Regarding DRAGONS SANCTUARY's boycotting Week 13, War 6

Discussion in 'Wars' started by starry_night, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. So best stop Doing ee war's i think you will have more sucess
  2. Dragons Sanctuary just lost my respect. When they were besting every single clan back to back because bfe wasn't accounted for, they said nothing. When they overpowered clans, they said nothing. Now devs have accounted for bfe, bfa, and hit ratio, so the matches are closer and actually require them to maybe change tactics a bit(hard I know) because the usual "we'll win because of our towers, and bfe" just doesn't work anymore.

    Pathetic to say the least, DS would have done themselves a world of good by just adjusting strategies instead of whining about "unfair matchups" when the devs have finally made them as close to fair as possible.

    When 90% of the kawmunity agreed they were unfair, they were winning and said nothing. Now that most of the kawmunity agrees they are more fair(fair doesn't mean you win) their wins won't come as easy as before.

    Adjust or fall, your boycott during TRIAL WARS is nonsense
  3. What about BFE, hit ratio? Have you taken them into account? No. I bet you've won some wars that have been stacked hugely in your favour, what about them?
  4. Just finished reading a few comments... And lol @ "boycott" being you sign up and if YOU determine it's unfair you just roll over!

    Don't think you know what boycott means but good luck with that
  5. Congrats after you win in blowouts and then you lose a few times you boycott, sure that works. And why would the devs do anything. Perhaps if you actually fight a mismatch and still lose horribly then they would listen.
  6. What i don't get is why you did not boycott the wars you steamrolled over 20-30 days ago
  7. @paradox, because they were winning at the time
  8. I understand what they did and respect their decision... A few months ago I might have given Tactical Force hell for boycotting an estoc match, but back then I was just a regular player and hit targets that were given to me and followed instructions. Sorry TF.

    The difference now is that I have roster duties and tracking duties (not much). It takes around 2 hours to prepare for a 2 hour estoc match. So you waste 4 hours for a match that almost nearly impossible to win. So I understand the frustration. You might say that "they could have at least fought and got KOed and saved def pots". But look at it this way, their top 10 could have done that, hit 30-40 in opposing clan's roster and even made gold. But what about the little guys at the end of the roster? It's a sign of solidarity and support that you take the same hits as they do and even more so.

    Devs are trying to fix the so-called gh exploit but are really fumbling on it.
  9. Devs don't read forums silly
  10. Starry - i agree too many mismatches - if a bad match give a handicap to balance the odds like horse racing does by adding weight to the saddle
  11. Wow this game shouldn't be kingdoms at war it should be complainers at war.

    When you signup for a war your not signing a contract saying Dragons sanctuary will win Week 13 wars 5 and 6

    Dragons sanctuary has such a Great War record and some are total slaughters by dragon sanctuary but I don't see them complaining.

    Lately alot of the good war clans have been losing some wars and they start complaining over a few losses its total crap.

    Is it the devs fault that the clan that would be a suitable match for you didn't signup?


    If your going to be complaining about how you get a few defeats don't war at all do your boycotting I dot think devs will care plenty of other clans will still be warring.

    rant over
  12. and you are? relevant to anything? NO
  13. Ive been in a few boycotted wars already and they have obviously done nothing. I personally hate the new system as my EE clan rarely gets a match and when we do we are down 60-70m CS down on our opponent but yet we are still undefeated. I dont know what devs are doing but undefeated or not our wars are horrible mismatched in our favor or our opponent. This matchmaking is horrible.

    No Match Found
  14. Not sure if a lot of people have even taken a look at the rest of the records for DS....

    A VERY LARGE portion of the test wars over the last few weeks have been largely mismatched NOT in our favor. We have won due to preparation, tracking and strategy to overcome great clans (respect to all of you).

    We fought every single one of them. Only after weeks of it continuing to get more and more unfair, is when we decided to boycott some of the extremely unfair matchups.

    Those that say "well if plunder was within 7b then it's fair matchup"....

    If one clan is extremely stronger in bfa, CS and just even in BFE and we keep up while being pinned all match and them not even mass xstalling....that's a good matchup?? Seems like those that prepare, track and use good strategy are punished by being matched again impossible odds so that devs can say..."see close score, good matchup, it works!"

    So why sit there and show them a close score when in fact ALL THE HIDDEN DATA (xstal usage, bfa, CS) isn't shown in black and white to everyone. Instead, when devs said "ready for season 2" we made a stand and boycott the worst of the worst matchups and flood them w feedback and make it obvious testing has failed.

    After last 2 weeks they finally acknowledged and pushed back season 2 start. At least they acknowledged something wrong...even though some of you say it's's trying to get their attention since weeks and weeks of feedback isn't working.

    At least in season 1 there wasn't so many people hating the matchup algorithm and people could adjust their clan for fair matchups....and prove which clan worked the hardest during the actual war.
  15. Good stradigy if you dont like match up boycott. no mith or xstals used get free mith eb after. lol

    untill i see them boycott when their the stronger clan i call B.S. on DS
  16. so does that mean that if you have a war that is slightly edged in your favour that u will also boycott that and let the other team win... gotta prove that point, right?

    also y'know what really grinds my gears; 'irregardless'.. you mean 'regardless' or 'irrespective', irregardless is an illegitimate mixture of these two words :) happy to help.
  17. Boycotting will fix nothing these are test wars. You need to actually war so the devs can see how the match up goes and fix things to make them better. If you are gonna complain about test wars then don't participate at all. It's simple. Because from Op's post it seems that you knew you were going to lose and decided to just lay down and collect free mith.
  18. @Jim Morisson.
    long time bro. i dont see it as boycotting per se. but like i said earlier. it takes at least 2 hours to prepare for a 2 hour war. and frankly when math-ups are so blatanly uneven it's a waste of time.
  19. @bradley
    join a discussion whn you're relevant to it.