Regarding Bomanator’s new ally LB postion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sarkhan, Mar 18, 2014.

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  1. [​IMG]
    50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300..

    Yeah.. I think that totals to WA,YTO,OMU,CHO,FAL,OSS!!
  2. His actions as an owner and protector .. His actions as a friend to those he called true allies ... His actions that he played with respect to those that treated him the same way .. That puts him above the rest of us

    The fact that u treat allies as a commodity instead of wat they started out as and the way he always treated his ... It's just sad that u don't get that and that u feel u accomplished something today other then leaving a hole in kaw from a great player and a great owner to his allies

    I wasn't even owned by him, I only had the great honor of havering a few real conversations with the man but respected wat he stood for ... All that can be said is atleast he stood for something in the sea of greed that kaw has become
  3. REALLY?????? This is coming from someone in one of the best war clans out there and you think RedStar can't be strip?
  4. WDGAF does not support ally hoarding in any form or fashion. The actions we take do depend on the situation and it's involvement with us. Bom is not the first person who we have stripped naked for action like this, it's just the first of this much gold. Don't mistake us supporting a free market and taking actions to defend our alliance for us policing KAW.
  5. Or at least near impossible? Just need good strategy and funds to strip, maybe some luck and wala
  6. Nobody cares
  7. Lol curtish. And dont mistake Hitlèrs actions with trying to take over the world?
  8. I think this deserves an achievement. Realy good job
  9. You would need red to lose his phone for a month lol
  10. Holy moly. The poor fulla! Haha well done WDGAF 
  11. You realize RedStar has a rough 900T in allies correct? The hires alone would take ages.
  12. Very nice!! Thank you guys for the help in making it a free market again 
  13. For those who are asking "What about this guy?" and "What about that guy?" and "Who will be next?" please reread the first post in this thread.

    WDGAF strongly support a free market and will take action on those who hit us over ally hires when the person is not in an OSW or EE. We determine if, and when, we act as a collective. We are not the police of KAW.

    For those who say "Why didn't you try talking to him"? Well we did. I have followed him for months with no follow back. Walled him too. He was also warned by another key player in this strip that his actions would have consequences if they continued.

    This was not about "making a name for ourselves". We have no need to do so. Those who know us know our worth.

    I am not saying Bomonator was a bad person. Only that his actions were hostile and worthy of the response. The sheer number of people who contributed to this endeavor is evidence of that.
    If I hired a large ally off of a large family member and then ran several full bars for 24 hours I would expect to wake up naked too.

    This was a single action. We did not "Make him quit". He was not threatened, mocked, bullied, made fun of, or harassed. If the game is no longer interesting for him now that he cannot continue to hit with impunity any who don't ask him permission to hire an ally, well that reaction further reinforces our standpoint.

    Bom's style of play forced others to play "his way", even if they didn't want to. Well, I guess you could say that just ins't our style.


  14. I too am curious to see if ATA will respond to this, not on the forum but in game mechanics. They have lost three big cash cow so far this year to strips / threats of strips.

    I know 1 LB players who was disappointed with the delay of T6 level 4 and 5 delay (this could have made it harder if you add spy Towers). I also know Wulf said he would petition hard against Towers.
  15. For all you people that don't understand (osw noobs) - it takes the same amount of steals to strip 200 tril as it does to strip 200 bil. The hardest part would be to clear him before his allies start to alert him by walling. But I know these guys (w/ ZAFT, ((don't know if they were included or not)) can pretty much clear ya out in 5-10 min

    I didnt know Bom, seems like he was one of a kind, sucks that he left but I understand. If you play with fire..
  16. I should be allowed to use the PvP method to solidify my allies through taxing.

    THAT being said. I'm not saying bullying is right and a couple hits should suffice to get a message across. Simply my 2 cents.
  17. I DO think, that we could all consider taking a page out of Bom's book, in how he looked out for, and helped his allies. I didnt know him much but fought in an osw against him and FAITH, and after it was over- he came over, visited and congratulated everyone lol. He had some class
  18. Very impressive strip, I believe its the biggest that kaw has ever seen on an individual player. WDGAF is one of the toughest alliances and well, you just seen what happens when you play the fool (so to say). Anywho, goodjob on making the Ally Market one step closer to what it's meant to be.
  19. There is no such thing as a free market in KaW. Anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is either spreading propaganda to further their own agenda or a brainwashed believer in a defunct ideology. The ally market is merely one reason, or excuse to fight. It's a war game. Bom played it like a war game. Bom knew very well the consequences of his playing style. Wdgaf returned Bom's actions like a war clan should. Kudos to Bomanator for keeping it real for years, there are very few left in kaw who still do. And kudos to the alliances that funded a successful strip.
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