Regarding Bomanator’s new ally LB postion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sarkhan, Mar 18, 2014.

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  1. Nice strip looks like the allie market will be totally free will try retiring from the same bll player that fb me for hiring his allie not long let's see what happens after this congratulations to the leaders of the strip well planned.
  2. Well said CG!!!!
  3. Not very long actually we're pretty liquid and efficient funders.
  4. Wow, a full organized well funded online vigilantes clan... Populist/fascist heaven... Charlie bronson must be proud guys, 
  5. Apparently you do gaf.

  6. 99% of LB hoard Allies! ??? What are you guys Talking About??, be fair, and start striping all of them my 2cents. Lol
  7. 99% didn't hit us for it.
  8. Speaking for myself I don't understand ally hoarding anyway. You make good gold naturally trading market value allies. In addition, to my knowledge there is nobody in WDGAF who hoards it's just not our culture.

    As for nice guy/bad guy comments, I have no doubt that pretty much nobody is universally disliked/liked or that people treat different people differently.
  9. I only see two different time where hitting for ally hires would be worth while. Osw(usually because you've been targeted for a strip) and during war, do you have any idea how annoying it is to SKO pull funds out of BB and buy your ally back?
  10. Steals and attacks win/loss info.

    Every time someone steals or attacks you they take a percentage of your gold.

    Every time you steal or attack someone you get your base pay from your cs total and ally plunder and the subtractions or additions are applied determining your build (like towers kill plunder) enemy defensive pots (more pots=more plunder as in number of different pots) the difference in cs, etc.

    So to strip 190tril you would have to have the funds and enough members big enough to steal, then hit them the exact amount of times as it would take to strip 2trillion. Maybe a few times more.

    Still impressive feat, one thing I do know is WDGAF loves to strip people and they are pretty good at it.
  11. Exactly the point, dont pull the morale pov card then, show it as it is, an act of retribution, massive, impressive, etc... Tough team, dont need the righteous side though. Cheers 
  12. Sug/John/azure/ireg. They will sell underpriced allies basically anytime when not in EE/osw. They will web sell in osw if you pm them. Hell, it's just strip funds.

    We don't control all of kaw. We police our own. And the 4 lb we have listed above are some of the most selfless players in the game when in comes to allies and their bfa. Don't be scared. Pm them if you are unsure about Allie hires. You will most likely get a YES
  13. I always check spells and clan status before hiring allies. Unless they're 1t allies, those funds are kinda hard to reposition when people just buy
  14. Bomanator has already reset...
  15. Resetting was never a goal for wdgaf. It was never even mentioned. We are sad to see anyone leave a game they enjoy. Hope his real life goes well .
  16. Many other LBs have underpriced allies and many of u don't dare hire from...Just last week, I had to exchange xtal with an LB for hiring a fair cost ally... That's sad that we congratulate ourselves by driving one player from game... Bom was a very generous player and a good friend... I will miss him...
  17. Not every day you hear about tales such as these. I'm quite impressed - this is a quite a milestone, shows that literally no one is safe from the clutches of karma. Much respect WDGAF
  18. So I should feel free to hire from anyone? Even Zaft or WDGAF? Funny how I doubt that becomes acceptable.
  19. Be real proud of ur selves ...

    All I'm going to say is it's a sad day when a great old-school kawer goes the way-side

    And that's exactly wat jeff/Bom was ... He treated his allies exactly the way they were intended as allies he helped them assisted them and yes protected them with all the might he possessed .. He was the only Allie lb of that rank I know that was that selfless in his manner

    Anyone who cared to actually have a conversation with him would know that he maintained the same allies he helped groomed for years only buying new allies when asked by other players and protecting that investment in time and energy should have been commended not condemned ...

    I see no other lb in the top 25 who treat there allies as they were intended or help almost anytime it was called upon ....

    It's a sad day in kaw indeed and wdgaf should be so proud they "freed the market" of one of the last great owners in kaw
  20. Post removed for bypassing- keep it clean people please!!!
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