Refugee crisis

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WinterKnight-, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. What the hell is that? 
  2. Words put em to gather ?
  3. The writer of said words is supposed to put them together, not the reader.

    I'm gonna guess it's something about people only listening to mainstream media and not believing the good of things?

    Most of the people who 'discuss' on these forums do their own research, some of it quite meticulously. I for one mostly ignore mainstream media unless it catches my eye, then I'll research it.
  4. Let's not make the mistake to think radical and moderate muslims are the same. Because they are not. Radical muslim wants to kill you. The moderate muslims wants radical muslim to kill you.
  5. 
  6. That isn't entirely true. I have good Muslim friends. They work hard. They contribute. They love america.

    There are great people everywhere.
  7. <insert bait comments>
  8. Muslims or refugees?

    You know, some Muslims are American 
  9. Both. Muslim Americans, and a couple immigrant Muslims.
  10. <insert bait comments>
  11. We'll have plumbed some ignorant depths can we actually stay on topic.
  12. The topic is refugees yes?
    Ignore their plight.
    Solves overpopulation(well, not solves. Helps a little though.)
    Keeps the supposed terrorists hiding with refugees at bay.
    Does not put strain on the countries they are trying to flee to.
    Saves valuable taxpayer dollars. The needs of your country come before the needs of some other country.
  13. Although this sounds harsh, it's the truth.
  14. Truth is harsh man. Such is life.
  15. So how were you thinking of dealing with the maybe 500,000 who are already in Europe the 1.6 million in turkey ?
    Ignoring the issue won't make it go away.
    This is a time when people need to see some real leadership something better than a ridiculous hairdo and empty soundbites
  16. fix syria, not the refugees
  17. Send them back out. They (I'm betting illegally) migrated to those countries. Deport them, and ignore them. They are taking space and money from those countries, (again, I'm betting illegally) and should be sent out as quickly as possible to minimize losses.
  18. Yes it is harsh and maybe even easy to say from the shelter of where you live.

    Solving the Syrian crisis is the best answer.
    But for one moment. Put yourself in their place.
    No you aren't there. But what if it was you?
    What if your nation suffered a mass collapse?
    What if tomorrow you are in an accident that takes away your ability to work?
    Should you be discarded as well.
    What about your family?
    Are you willing to do anything to try and give them a better life?

    Ignoring a crisis and suffering elsewhere is easy from an ivory tower.
    But it solves nothing.
    Their nation being restored to a peaceful thriving prosperous self sustaining nation solves much. And long term supports the global economy.

    The reality is this. Ignore the issue, Isis gets stronger and far more supporters as a result of the resentment of those we leave to be abandoned.

    Deal with Isis now. It's literally a bloody mess.
    But change is brought about sooner and peace with a global effort can be sought.

    But that requires nations working together for the benefit of mankind.
    And the reality is. I doubt that any politician has what it takes to be the first to ask other nations even rival nations for the co-operation needed. Much less the Desire and intent to follow through.

    All nations need peace to prosper and be self sustaining. Any global trade is then a plus for their economy.
    Buy made at home. Not made in china.
    And if you can't feel compassion for others.
    Why should others show it to you? If you are ever in need?
  19. Castile you use migrate to describe refugees they are different words and apply to different things.

    Migrants leave a country by choice to build a better life, better schools, better healthcare, make more money, that's a migrant.
    Refugees are fleeing from armed conflict or persecution they can't stay were they were they've been forced to leave by violence and fear.

    They have different legal protections, because they are different things in international law. There are treaties to protect and recognise refugees rights and the duty of care people have to them.

    To put it into scale UNHCR gave a figure of 19.5 million refugees world wide at the tail end of last year. That's a massive number and it's not getting any smaller soon.
  20. The racism and hatred towards Muslims and the Refugees is..
    It's deflating and disheartening.

    Some of you have had melt downs in this game over events, over being hit, over EE, over EB's, over a number of things.

    You see a game you love being changed to something that you do not like and rant.

    I get it, I have posted and commented on a fair share of these.

    But then some of the same players are on this forum offering no sympathy towards people who lost more than a damn set up.

    Homes, memorabilia, family, friends, kids, and parents. They lost almost everything in their lives but the very air they breath and some are lucky enough to get out with part of their family and some of their friends.

    And here is the privilege, saying things like, kill them all, or send them on a train to Germany. People that say they are happy they are in such a dark and broken situation.

    It's sickening.

    I spent 14 months then another 10 months in Iraq on my 2 combat tours for the army. The way many of them live their lives is unreal. Dirty water. Trash lines up in front of the roads and around the buildings. That's just scratching the surface. Then war is spread across these lands.

    From civil and foreign wars to groups like Isis terrorizing them. Gangs and governments so Corrupt that it makes our nations look like a paradise.

    Yeah, refugees will have moles and sleeper cells mixed in with them. Though that is no reason to not aid the millions of others in this movement.

    So much fear. So much prejudiced. Makes us no better than the wolves barking at our doors.

    Some of the remarks on this thread is really, really disheartening that it is shameful.