No but I'm going to call people who completely misread a post daft. I said it was not a conflict between Christian and Muslim but between sane rational minds and delusional sociopaths As for some of the other points mentioned. I never referred to the events in France as a civil war I'm referring to the ongoing conflicts in Syria and Libya. Those are by all definations of the term Civil wars. A refugee is a person who has fled their homeland due to fear and a real threat of harm due to race religion creed or ethnic background. That said a terrorist is one who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political change. See how those two aren't the same things.
There goes the hate again (daft?). I was proposing for a thread topic change coz the real problem here is terrorism. Now, if you want to discuss about a topic that will surely run around in circles, you can do that yourself. Go on mumble tumble about refugees while the rest of us here figure out the next terrorists attack so we can PREVENT it.
I think Trump is winning GOP poles because you are full of racist, xenophobic and ignorant people. Thats your right to be that. Doesn't make you smart for it. As a veteran I'm not going to vote for him or any GOP because they are all singlehandedly blocking all bills proposed to fix the VA and funds Veterans programs. They all are chest thumpers who claim empathy for us but don't care at all one way or the other. I've lost enough friends due to a lack of help from them.[/quote] Love the dnc(dmc) talking points everyone is rascist yada yada. Race been set back by yours truly(obama) . So rascist he won election in the us? Trump has not held elected office to block any VA fixes or blocked funding, how soon you forgot both senate, house, and pres was dem! They could have passed anything and we got affordable care act. Calling your simply twisted views out is just that. And your not fooling anyone with i wouldnt vote gop because VA is bs. You wouldnt vote Gop because your a liberal! "It only hurts the first time"
Anyone who is calling refugees "Terrorist". Need to get of this game and hit the books. Because there IQ is rock bottom.
Juke. Please enlighten us where the next terrorist attack is gonna be? Do you know what terrorism is?
Glock: I prefer trump over Ted Cruz and Ben Carson. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson are just plain stupid. While trump might be an idiot but he's the only good republican. My vote is for sanders. Than Clinton.
^ terrorist are infiltrating refugees and crossing with them. Please refrain yourself from mistating what has been said.
Mistating? Anywho that's why we do background checks. And we are ready for another terrorist attack. France now opens its borders to refugees. And you guys have no idea what terrorist are.
Have you forgotten that is a thread about refugees? (Coz OP implies that) Until then this thread will be all about refugees, coz OP implies that.
Tbh. Nobody ischanging their ways because of isis. You simply are mistaking proaction for hopefully not needing reaction. Not sure why liberals think open borders is ok vetted or not. Although this is only a conversation on not being able to vet syrian refugees at this time. Simply not worth the chance. Bernie has no chance btw. Js. He is up there so hillary looks like she is more to the center of a self described socialist.
Why does everyone thing that they're gonna sneak in with syrian refugees now? If they were going to wouldn't they have done it already. And why not just cross the border illegally surely they have the resources to do so. :?:
Only Mexicans cross the border illegally. And only ISIS comes legally. Get with the program in American hysteria
Just as a question, why would a terrorist hide among refugees for the several years and intense scrutiny, by both authorities and fellow refugees, to enter the U.S., when ISIL has the resources to get them in on regular tourist visas, with a much shorter, and less scrutinized, waiting time? Neither way do they get to bring in weapons (although here in the U.S., it's easy enough to get as many high powered guns as they may want - thanks, NRA), and going the traditional route is faster and less suspect, especially as they "warned" us beforehand. If they were going to actually use the refugees as an entry into the country, it seems they wouldn't advertise that fact. It seems the real purpose behind the propaganda that they are sneaking into countries with refugees, is to cause fear to the easily panicked, who will react with further Islamiphobia, which is their best recruitment tool. It's so much easier to sell their idea of a religious war and add to their propaganda that all western countries are hateful to muslims, when they have actual actions and footage to back it up. Just looking at the news and posts here, their strategy seems to be working
Generally speaking, you would half to go through many more checks with refugees and you would'nt be able to bring weapons. However, if you crossed illegally you would be able to bring weapons. Also, why stop helping refugees if the damage is already done?
Lets see this all play out. Isis best bet is to wait for after 2016 elections .any attack now would ruin dems chances for president .