READ 10x. I propose that OP should change the title of the thread: "Terrorism Crisis". Your so called refugee crisis and refugee exodus did not happen if there was no terrorism. You can not resolve a security breach in a country simply by blaming others or saying words that fuels hatred and division.
Cowards? Lol dmc. That thinking is what puts our country in danger. We help by sending aid and setting up a safezone. Taking in people that cant be vetted is not rational thinking. Especially being they hate the western way of life. Cowards are the syrians not fighting for their country . Why cant they fight? Because they have families!! Lol 13% of the syrian refugees admit to having a favorable view of isis. Not wanting them is common sense.Not cowardly . The safety and security of country should come first.
Thats an awful load of trash you made up there. What GIF did you get that from? No but really, the United States is a country who has ALWAYS taken in refugees. I'm never going to buy into your sides stupid propaganda that we should change who we are for anything. Especially in response to terrorists. Also selling guns to almost anyone puts everyone in our country in danger. We still sell them freely to almost anyone. Just the fact that you are so fearful of terrorism that you would turn your back on helping tens of thousands displaced people trying to escape them says exactly what you are. A coward. At least be honest with it. You sure as hell don't care for the well being of your fellow man. We've been taking in people who are vetted since that process began. I see no reason to stop now. Don't worry, we are taking them in whether you like it or not. All of you can tailcoat later when the innocent families who we helped are thankful for it. Also if you think everyone should fight then you obviously have no idea what war is like. :lol: I would never wish that upon anyone.
The problem is they cant be vetted . We dont have the records on them to properly vet. With that being said . Times have changed. You keep thinking the way you want. The truth is they are a danger to our i said needs to be a safe zone in syria for them . Thats fairly simple and should be done. Sorry for ya we want our borders closed . Needs to be closed for a short time so we can figure out who is already here. Same way stores close down for inventory. Seems like your ilk are trying to destroy america.
Hope you guys no that those refugees are fleeing there country because they want to get away from what you guys are so afraid of. I say open the borders, and let all of them be background checked. #Supportforrefugees
What part of they cant be properly vetted dont u understand? Support for refugees to stay in syria in safezone. Liberal policies dont work. Glad obama atleast taught people that liberal policies are a failure.
No because it's not terrorism driving people out of Syria and Libya it's open civil warfare with multiple sides and shifting alliances. The refugess aren't terrorists they are men women and children fleeing a war that's been raging for several years where over 250,000 civilians have died. They've got reasons to fear and they are for the most part fleeing people who are either active supporters of terrorists or terrorists themselves. You really want to upset Isis and their ilk then don't give in to their hideous ideology and don't make it in to a Muslim vs Christian situation. It's a sane rational people vs delusional sociopaths situation and the more people blanket a whole faith with the brush of terrorist the easier it if for the crazies to say no they DO hate you and you'll only know peace when we take over and kill them all. Want to really hurt Isis ? Then treat them with the contempt they so richly deserve don't show them fear show them disdain, don't make good Muslims feel unliked or unwelcome. show them compassion and work together to build understanding, and yes the Vast majority of followers of Islam are decent tax paying people who want to raise their kids and live a good life.
Tell me, was the shooting and suicide bombing that happen recently in France was "civil war"? You clearly didn't understand what i just said. Sure, you can lockdown your border anyway you like it. But the fact still remains: terrorist will still have courage to breach your security because your focus is on the refugees, lol. Tell me or better yet DEFINE what is a REFUGEE? What is a terrorist?
@winterknight so you're calling everyone who has a different opinion a delusional sociopath? wow, the hate.
Diversion tactics. Don't treat your real enemy like he is an idiot. Clearly, the attack was planned. If you are not alert, you are falling for the terrorists' traps again. Divide and conquer - they want you to FOCUS (and debate) about the refugees while they're preparing for another assault at a different angle or at a different scale.
Yeah . Atm we can not distinguish refugees from terrorist! As they are mixed in with actuall refugees. In reality us has no obligation to accept refugees at this time till we can further vet them. We dont have the data to vet them so our govt letting them in is going against its first duty. The safety of its citizens! There is no upside for usa to take them. We dont have jobs for them . They dont assimulate into a free society . Ask the u.k! They offer nothing atm and supposedly preventing possible tragedy from possible bad apple is being a coward (Dmc) so yes until refugees can be vetted . No refugees . Its insanity to continue to let them in. Its not unamerican to do so. It doesnt say in the constitution . Must accept all refugees! We accept them because we are compassionate. However some hiccups in vetting them need to be fixed before we take in people from syria. Sorry bills already passed house !veto proof too.. Dems in senate that dont let it get to obama desk will be the ones not up for reeelection as they know not passing it will be end of their political career. Sorry most americans feel the same dmc but we use common sense . Not some theatrics about not letting some poor orphan in as said by your dear leader.
You mean the people that savagely killed Indian woman & children? You mean those people who greedily proclaimed Hawaii a territory to lessen their precious Sugar Tax? Yes... 'Murica
Actually we accept refugees due to treaties and protocols technically and that whole being a country built on accepting refugees from everywhere in the world. (I know, you think it's not true because it's "not in the Constitution" but that just shows how little US history you know). Either way you keep being a fearful little person. You ignore the facts presented and continue to generalize an entire religion based on the extremists few. I will welcome them and you're going to deal with it because you won't stop it. I will be honest though, I fear you people trying to isolate the United States from the world more than a very small chance of terrorist refugees getting cleared to get here. You're the same people cheering Trump for wanting to abolish all Muslims ability to free worship in America. All of you have forgotten what the United States is.
Also honestly if the rest of you feared terrorism in the United States you'd probably care more about stuff like this. Reported by a mid to Right leaning news source for the kicker. :lol: ... -1.2437868 As I said. I fear the people already here ore than the people fleeing the war. Just like in France it was their own citizens who carried out the attack. Either way I'm not changing my daily habits, my beliefs nor my life due to terrorism possibility. Once you guys actually want to combat terrorism domestically and it's potential maybe we can get those background checks to correlate with the FBIs suspected Terrorist list. Otherwise they are already armed and we know they already have sympathizers here. Rember all those reports of people trying to fly to Syria? Yeah they're still here. Also please read up on the functions and realities of Caliphate. The blatant ignorance you keep speaking in thinking ISIS acts anything like or in correlation with former terrorist groups (like Hamas, al Qeada, etc.) Is wrong on that basis and the exact reason why they are divided from all other terrorist organizations.
No governors cant stop it! Correct . The issue is upto president obummer. However in the treaty we dont have to accept refugees who have done certain things. It can be put on hold to be able to vet refugees fully to see if they have violated any. Right now we can not verify other than they are male or female. Thus it creates security risk to us. You sound like a politician you are willing to put others lives on the line for your country! Why do you think trump is winning in polls?
I think Trump is winning GOP poles because you are full of racist, xenophobic and ignorant people. Thats your right to be that. Doesn't make you smart for it. As a veteran I'm not going to vote for him or any GOP because they are all singlehandedly blocking all bills proposed to fix the VA and funds Veterans programs. They all are chest thumpers who claim empathy for us but don't care at all one way or the other. I've lost enough friends due to a lack of help from them.