In light of recent events, i feel this quote is necessary. "I sure hope somebody picks up that phone, because i ******* called it"
Wow. Only a small % of refugees would be terrorist. So ask yourself whats 1% of a 100,000 ? Small number right? How many terrorist did it take to pull that off in france!! Seems fairly easy to make a rational decision imo. Appararently for some of you its not that easy.
New Orleans has already got some in.what really makes it bad the state gov is just finding out about it 2 days later and to top it off a few are already missing.smh
Castiel, that kind of ignores the fact that the French attack was performed by Nationals and not refugees. Just saying... kind of an important detail to overlook when saying you "called" it.
Hopefully it was a few 3 yo orphans raven. Last i checked thats supposedly what everyone is all paranoid about . Im worried thise 3 yo cant take care of themselves. Smh .
Not according to what I read. Sadly, either of us could be wrong. The media is unable to be trusted because they will seize on the side of the story that gets more ratings. However, terrorist attacks in a country that accepts refugees proves my point, somewhat. ISIS cares not about your compassion for refugees. Until their goal, which I will not pretend to know, is met the violence will not end. We need to be quarantining that area, pushing them back behind a safe zone, and then carpet bombing it. Better to lose the lives of faceless strangers and their tormentors than to lose someone you know.
Yes . War is ugly . Glad to see 150,000 russian troops going into fight . Without all obamas rules of ingagement and no bias ass media. Guess who gonna get the wrong end of the stick from those soldiers. The ones who deserve it !! Haha . Will there be collateral damage . Sure . But war is ugly. Sure some isis sympathysers will be harmed . And videos of innocent being killed . But ridding those rats is the main goal and should be taking care of. After all we kill vermin without batting a eye. Called pest control
We can agree there. Kind of. Putin does know how to get a job done and control his media. And shrug off the government naysayers that disagree with his methods.
Glock what really gets me is what these so called jihads got to do to open these plps eyes.smh BTW how many of you libs have served you country or is it just mouth.this country was kept free by action not by someone running their mouth.js.
They sound like obama . All over afew orphans. Makes you wonder!!! Msnbc is in dahouse. Socialist france got more balls now than these idiots yapping on this thread. They must have watched news on shoot out with ring leader and seeing that there was another atk in coming. Take your open door policys and stick it where the sun dont shine. Obvious aint gonna hit anything down there ..maybe a sunflower seed at best. =]
Another problem with refugees is that people from the Middle East have 7-10 kids per woman and Europeans barely have one kid per woman. The high number of foreigners would soon outweigh the people already there, dragging down the economy and reducing Europe to a state almost as bad as the Middle East.
And if the refugees are exploited for cheap labor it could destroy the middle class, which is exactly what happened in Rome before its fall.
Germany is next definitely. They let over 800,000 refugees in. Here's another thing tho...ISIS is smart by having France be attacked. Because of it, EU nations are not letting in anymore refugees. Now the refugees will have no where to go. In Syria and other poor, weak middle-eastern countries, there are many military aged men who no longer have the choice to flee to Europe. In fact, they now have more hate for Europe since Europe is done letting in refugees. So these military aged men have two choices...join ISIL or they and their family will die or struggle severely. Smart move ISIS. TL;DR: The terrorist attack prompted the EU to close their borders to refugees. this will cause more hate for west from refugees and it will prompt them to join Isis.
I find it kinda crazy that so many people praise Putin for his control and indifference to the rest of the world. While demonising President Obama as a dictator who is damaging America. Both were elected leader but only one changed the rules to ensure he stays in power and rules his country with almost no free media nor effective opposition.
Sorry just had to answer one part of this. Isil want a pure all out war. Muslims vs everyone else. They want to force all Muslims to have nowhere to turn other than to them. They want hatred in nations. Their biggest enemy is Muslims accepted and integrated into western culture. They want to break that up and force all Muslims to flee the west with no place to turn other than to them. And from their wage total war. It's actually quite easy to know that. Because they openly state it on all their media forms. They are a group of fanatics, far from the majority of average community already assimilated in the west. The more fear. The more closed borders. The more they win. The only way to deal with this is to wipe them out totally. And that is where I can see Putin gaining support. He is playing his role exactly as predicted. Attack Russian interest whilst they have a former KGB operative running the show. Expect 150,000 Russian troops on the ground not to mention the troops china is allegedly contributing. This always needed boots on the ground. Putin is the most volatile of the leaders, and bombing the Russian flight was isil's biggest mistake to date. I stated before the only way to stabilise the region is by putting boots on the ground. And making the home countries safe so that refugees don't need to flee. And now isil has forced a situation where those boots will be deployed. Just not the American boots they expected. Paris and lebanon amongst the other terror attacks did one thing that the west could not. It united the world against isil at the level required to face the issue.
First off; I have no idea what Castiel is reading. Its actually fact the attackers were French and European Nationalists. That being said Optimal Chaos is right. What EVERYONE seems to be ignoring is that ISIS/ISIL is trying to act as Caliphate which its blatantly obvious most of you have no idea what that is. There's a reason for their chaos and the very structure of that chaos over there. They are slaughter Muslims who don't accept Caliphate and Shari'a law because that's what is required to be Caliphate. Christians under them are able to survive as long as they pay a Christian tax and submit themselves to admitting they are weaker than the Caliphate, in God and place. People fleeing the Caliphate are traitors to Muslims and are sentenced to death. Seriously, all of you need to do research. Reading on the subject of HOW they view themselves and WHAT they are trying to emulate would make everything so much clearer to anyone willing to do it. What is their goal? To bring about total war and fight on a specific plain in Syria and to defeat the "Roman armies" there. To reunite the "true" (in their eyes) Muslims in preparation for their apocalypse. They literally want total war. Not only that, THEY WANT IT THERE. Thats why I keep repeatedly saying; Due to to very nature of Caliphate and how it operates on order to maintain the validity of the Caliphate the far majority and more likely of attackers abroad will almost 100% be individuals who are sympathetic to their radicalised form of Islam who have been barred from travel to Syria where they are required to be fight the battle that is supposed to happen and that they want. Does that make sense or is it too unbelievable for you still?
P.S. France has more balls than you people. They are still accepting refugees. Because doing the right thing is more important than being a coward. Because anyway you dress it up hiding yourselves from a problem when you have a chance to help others is exactly that. Everyone of you who doesn't want to help the refugees is no better than someone witnessing a crime who is too afraid to do the right thing but rather ignores it and hopes it passes them by. You're that guy who heard that girl trying to say no to that guy and you just walked by. Tomorrow she will be another victim but you viewed it as an inconvenience and would rather side on your own personal needs rather than sticking your neck out to potentially save someone, or in this case tens of thousands of someones. Thats why I'm calling you cowards, because you care more for yourself than you do anyone else and you project that in your world views of how things should be.