Refugee crisis

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WinterKnight-, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. How can you not be mad at all these people killed for nothing?
  2. I still don't see what relevance gun control has to do with this
  3. How can you not be mad at all the school shootings?

    Nothing at all. It just proves you're hypocritical.

    Prove there's a link between the refugee crisis and these attacks and I'll change my mind.
  4. Here's a link.....the terrorist was muslim

    Obviously all Muslims aren't terrorist the majority aren't but having an easy to cross border with a warzone with people who consider you the enemy is not safe. What part of that don't you understand? Where do you think the weapons came from???
  5. Probably from France tbh.

    My neighbours are Muslim. You have zero evidence that the two incidents are related other than guesswork. Saying that people should be shot for sympathising with someone in a drastically worse position than yourself is just moronic.

    Ps. I'm still alive, and still not an idiot :)
  6. The Syrian refugee problem was caused by Americas financial/training/military support to rebels opposed to the Assad regime.. Sad fact that the rest of the world has to clean up the mess once again.. Every world power has its time in the spotlight, will be interesting times as this vacuum is filled.
  7. Nooope, they didn't "kill for nothing". Do you know what were the loud words the shooters said before the shooting? It sums up their cause.
    It takes an ideology to encourage a person to kill. History has proven that.
  8. Actually obey it's much more the Saudis backing anti Assad groups in Syria. Until the recent bombing campaigns the USA was fairly stand off in Syria. Limited training was provided but they weren't the prime instigator in the syrian uprising
  9. @septemtrio, correct it's well known a documented that the saudi hiarachy have been pivitol in funding and keeping the fighting going
  10. And also Saudi is one of the biggest importer of western made goods, billions, and of course one of the biggest exporters of oil in the world + their military imports from usa, uk and eu
  11. Nobody will tell the saudis to stop funding wars
  12. When the UAE didnt take refugees that should have sent strong signal to everyone else. They belong in a safe zone in syria with coalition forces keeping them safe in SYRIA.
  13. Close everything
  14. ^Great idea retard .... Let's just knock back innocent family's who are fleeing from war just because you said so
  15. Apparently some wernt so innocent. So yes close the borders from young male refugees crossing borders . They should fight for their country . Not suck up all resources of others. Gotta give da boot to ones that made it in . The truth is hard to swallow i know!! To bad dems think climate change is more important than refugees anyway .
  16. I know I'd rather deal with climate change and never be hurt by refugees that don't take up loads of resources being they are a fairly small minority.
  17. Don't forget about the support Turkey has provided ISIL. Including black market purchases of oil. Really it's hard to have a honest conversation about ISIL when people are more interested in pointing fingers.

    There is anything the US isn't doing that the rest of the western world isn't. UK, EU, NATO, UN, France, Israel...everyone. The obvious business ties to Asian countries suspect as well.

    It has been painfully clear Barack Obama wanted to take a back seat in global affairs durning his terms. Since we aren't leading the real question is, who is?
  18. Is saving a bunch of people fleeing from war worth jeopardizing the economy and safety of your country? No, not at all.
  19. ^ well said. Keep them safe in syria safezone and bomb the hell out of the rest. Enough said!!
  20. It may not be politically correct. However it's an internal dispute; observe Prime Directive as set in star trek.

    History has clearly shown most countries only get involved if there is money to be made. When Romania was being ran by a tyrant the world Sat back n watched, when Chinese student protesters being ran over by tanks no 1 got directly involved.

    But there's money to be had in the middle east.

    As for terrorists hiding amongst refugees? Of course they will it's easier to hide within chaos