Refugee crisis

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WinterKnight-, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Canada maybe.
    Russia no. Trust me. Most of us don't like non Russians or non slavs.

    I'm sure most Germans don't want immigrants, the EU is what's forcing most of their countries to accept these immigrants. Eventually they'll all get fed up and as you mentioned; they're going to voice themselves regarding mass immigration.
  2. The answer still lies in aiding there countries to develop as rapidly as possible.
    To westernise their nations. Not exploit the cheap labour.
    The west cannot support all the migrants long term.
    Better medical intervention.
    Higher education and better funded aid actually getting to the right people.
    Unfortunately the only way to do that is with the forced removal of oppressive regimes.
    Something that the most powerful nations need to agree on. Until try can work together for a combined beneficial outcome.
    There will only be more migrants and more chaos as the west is strained by the influx of people and issues that come with them.
    Economic and social and health wise.
  3. Not very optimal.
  4. There is a rising trend against migrants displayed within Europe, however migrants and refugees are not the same thing nor should they be treated as such.
  5. I can stand by this philosophy, no matter how heartless it seems.
  6. We don't want them either 
  7. Bump. Anyone who sympathizes deserves a bullet
  8. Shoot me then. The refugees are fleeing the extremists. I'm sorry you have been blinded by the xenophobic media

  9. I'll remember that if/when your country erupts into civil war and gets partially controlled by murdering nut jobs.
  10. Tell that to victims family you fool
  11. Please do. I'll happily stand and fight and not flee like some coward ass wipe
  12. I wonder what your stance on gun ownership is?
  13. I'm sure he believes that mass deportation would work.

    Just like people believe that taking away guns will prevent shootings.

    Cept the refugees here aren't militants. They fled the militants.
  14. What relevance has this to 120+ innocent people being killed?
  15. I believe there are plenty of safe places for refugees to go excluding Europe like the uae
  16. So your problem isn't that refugees are supposed extremists. It's the refugees themselves. Makes sense now. Sorry you lack compassion for all humans. Your 120 plus innocent life statement is cheapened by your disregard for the thousands and thousands of lives lost in the Middle East. That turmoil in which those refugees you seem to think lesser than you fled from.
  17. The exact same relavence as to the school shootings.

    You said 'tell that to the victims families'

    That's the same argument pro gun law advocates use. It made me wonder wether you're pro or anti gun laws, if you're pro gun laws then it's rather hypocritical.

    Refugees need help. The problem is filtering out the ones that are genuine and the ones that aren't.
  18. How do you distinguish between a refugee and who isn't. I'm not a heartless bastasrd but at the the same time I don't see why you should threaten the lives of anyone when there are plenty of places to go where you can be safe
  19. I'm pro gfu and die you prick
  20. Well done, you just said goodbye to all your credibility.

    PS. I'm not in the habit of doing as I'm told by hypocrites, so no, I think I'll stay alive thanks.