Why is it, that none of the other Arab country's want them? Why is that? There are plenty of rich Arab countries. Let them take care of them, this is more like an invasion of Europe, without the tanks or guns. At least for now, the last time this large amount of people tried to expand I to Europe it was at the point of a gun. Remember WWII?
Extreme millions have stayed in Arab countries, some of the poorer ones at that. Meanwhile the very rich gulf states are being slow at best to step up with help and support.
Taking over by moving into other countries without fighting is called hijara. It is a non violent form of jihad Muslims use. That is exactly what this is. Notice how nice their clothes and cell phones are? Refugees my ass. All the people that really need help are stuck in the country fighting for their lives, they don't have the money to run away like these load of scum.
Croatia are now closing their borders, where will the migration head? What options do they have left? Road to Germany blocked
Who cares... If they don't want our help then screw them they can find there own food and clean water
One report I saw which I thought was worth mentioning, in Zagreb the migrants are aware the border to Slovenia is closing soon so they are paying for their own taxis to travel the 4 hours to the border, interesting as the majority are stating they have no money.
How about we help our own countries homeless people off the streets first before helping others? Plenty of ex soldiers come home to no support or help, it's ridiculous.
The red line was a joke policy that could not be implemented without Russian support. The escalation that would have occurred would have started a far greater conflict within Europe. That said time has moved on and even Putin has expressed more concern. The divide between Russian and the west needs to be abolished due to a common enemy. Rising tensions could be reduced if only the two major players would combine efforts to achieve a common goal. It was recently shown that this is more than possible with the North Korean threat invoking both American and Chinese reprisal threats. I believe that Assad should of course be deposed and held accountable for his war crimes. I also believe that the world has not faced a threat this serious since ww2 and the leaders now need to show solidarity against this threat. The military expense is no greater than the economic threat that is imposed by the crisis. Regarding Arab nations taking more or any refugees. As many consider them enemies that is unlikely to occur. Also I'm certain states it is a crime to be bankrupt. They certainly won't want poor refugees, when their own population flee to avoid prison for going bankrupt.
Now where did I say anything about the is army being a joke. Talk about distorting the facts. But yes I believe a threat to world stability requires a coalition force to send a clear message to the world and potential future threats. That the world is still prepared to put a united force to act against the global terror threat. Or do you believe that the USA is the only force that has the right to respond to global threats. Though I do believe Obama making empty threats was a joke. Stating threats and not backing them up sends a message to terrorists that he won't act. And not considering that in 2012-2013 that there was a significant threat of bringing the Russians into a conflict on the opposing side rather than working out a way to have them act as allies is a severe mistake.
Because people like you were speaking out against military intervention in Syria. Now look at ya, now look at Europe. All of you guys said !NO!
I'm just keeping you honest bro. We can go back a couple years and look at it again. We can see all the people protesting against, all the people speaking out. All the articles, all the commentaries. The option was presented. Backed by the President of the United States of America.
Hydra, I don't really understand why you're arguing with him. You're basically agreeing except he's sayin coalition forces and you seem to expect the usa to be able to deal with it (cos usa led stuff has worked so well in the Middle East)
Manfred Schmidt head of Germany's migrant and refugee office has stepped down amid criticisms of the countries open door policy. Ms. Merkel, Germany's chancellor remains under fire from staunch opposition to Germany's handling this European crisis.
Russia back Assad nothing will be acceptable to Russia that involves him losing power. They've staked them selves to that and suspect won't be moved. Relations with the west and Russia have been steadily worsening in hthe last years syria and Ukraine both made things worse.
Russia isn't showing any willingness to help combat the migration crisis. Matter of fact, it looks like this could all be prolonged further as Russian equipment/soldiers are arriving in Syria. The window of opportunity was missed. So it looks like this. Iran/Russia vs Saudi/US/Turkey. China is the middle man taking sides in Iraq and Turkey, signing new economic deals in the past week with Turkey. There is at least 20-30 different factions fighting on all different sides for all kinds of reasons. Put this in perspective with the Iran Nuclear Deal and the money they will get. It's grim.
^ this is why the US will elected a neo-con this coming election. Bush Clinton or Biden. The social stuff being pushed by the non-establishment runners has to wait. I want to add to this one. [It seems like deradicalization has been going okay. As it look like we are preparing for the worst case scenerios. The biggest issue now is zealot like supporters of political opposition to the establishment. Their reactions to a failed presidential run will tell a lot.] (soley my opinion not worth thinking about) : p
Agreed rio. First window has been missed. I agree there hydro. Would Putin agree to act against Isis. More than likely yes. It may come at the expense of having to leave Assad in power ( as reprehensible as that is to me ). But I see no reason for Putin to resist a coalition force that involves Russian troops. If anything it would aid his image at home and on a global stage. Some concessions would be needed yes. But none that won't be forced into existence in time anyway. Saying the window has been missed is just allowing the terror threat to get worse. All leaders know that. All know what needs to be done. But none will act alone. A few air strikes will do nothing without trained boots on the ground, and that they do not have. The war has unfortunately started. It's a matter of do you want it on your doorstep or their backyard.
I would allow Assad to remain in power, better the enemy you know than the one you don't. It would bring stability to the area an you could gradually work to remove him once the area is stable (russia want the stability he could bring, nothing else)
Russia wants a pipeline, the same as the Saudis do. The Gulf states want regional hegemony, Turkey(Ottomans)and Iran(Persia)want the same. That what it so confusing, once you add the secular conflicts on top of it all it's almost beyond comprehension. This is extremely difficult politics for the average person.