Refugee crisis

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WinterKnight-, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Let's be honest though.

    Instead of extending our arm and helping those who need it some of you would rather hide and disconnect from the world.

    Congratulations, you let the terrorists instill fear in you.
  2. ^ lol

    Who's scared? The people who see things for what they are, or the sheepish nature of the ones who refuse to look.

    Hold on...okay Sweden has better benefits. I'm leaving Germany. Typical "refugee".

    Refugee1 : "Let's have a protest before we leave."

    Refugee2 : "Well said brother, we owe these people nothing."

    Refugee1 : "Allah Ackbar!"

    Refugee2 : "Fubu Snackbars!!"
  3. Sounds like an excuse to not do the right thing and help those in need.

    Cowardice often disguises itself in self interest.
  4. No it isn't. It's you calling me a coward. That's it. It means nothing to me punk.
  5. Haha, I'm not the one who is arguing against helping millions of people because a few bad seeds might exist.

    Also tons of the other guys in here are xenophobes and think all these people are worthless because they're from somewhere else of a different culture.

    Sorry if I don't cater to petty biases nor do I think should the world stop and be in absolute fear of terrorist. Yes we should acknowledge they exist but we shouldn't let that overtake us and prevent us from doing the right thing which is to help millions of people who've been stripped of their lives because of war.
  6. ^real life coward. Know about it.

    Yes that's what I said. You want to call coward I will give you information this plate form doesn't allow and see if you feel the same way.

    You grow up. Nice emoji. I denounced violence in 2004 so it wasn't that. Just a simple unmet request between men. Bye.
  7. By real life he means I don't care to talk to him on a third party ap. :lol:

    Grow up man. Seriously.
  8. The US will take 10,000 well vetted refugees. All parties are in agreement.

  9. To remind America of a better time.
    You took in 400,000 of the boat people when they needed safety and sanctuary.
  10. Yeah we are cool we take in lots of people. Even John McCain wants to help. Still .5/6% roughly. 70,000 next year that may not be as widely accepted.

    It looks like they have stepped up efforts to human traffickers from Libya. They are taking their boats. They are considering going into Libyan coastal waters to take a proactive approach.

    ^thats why you still need to complain. there is plenty that can be done better.
  11. A big Progessive phrase is dont let a crisis go to waste. ISIS is using this situation that they have created to further infiltrate their troops. They have already stopped a so call shipment of aid that was filled with weapons. Whats next, World War III. Remove 3/4 of human population and start over.
  12. Only if America Government didn't instigate to take out the dictator of Syria then the terrorist group won't be running amok.

    Happens every single time the America Government try to take a dictator out of place. Most of last 10 years of refugee was caused by America.

    This is coming from an American, the government here need to learn that having a dictator in a Middle East is the way to keep the terrorist group under control. But we always have to be the "good guy" by doing all the stupid crap. 
  13. ^ i'm afraid to say that the best you may be able to realistically hope for is to not have a broader conflict. things have been heavy for a long time.
    i sure hope no one is expecting world peace in their lifetime. but it is nice to hope. us fleets would need sank before we stop intervening. that is why they were built. to protect america and its allies.
  14. Yup but we have overstepped our bounds by taking out dictators in other countries for our gain when they were not affecting us any way. By us intervening other countries also caused Arabs to hate us causing terrorist group to pop up. The government need to learn that.
  15. Not sure how the us is responsible for the Arab spring and the events that led to the Syrian civil war .
  17. Seems both Germany and Slovakia have reintroduced border controls to stem the flow of refugees.
  18. Baltimore, Md. prepared for more Syrian Refugees. 26 Syrians have already been taken in and provided with furnished apartments and employment.

    IRC out of Baltimore Md. WJZ local.
  19. Obama will hand pick the good ones. Dont worry . He will take the ones nobody wants.
  20. ^ We have scary people to deal with than a Syrian refugee that has been given furnishings and a full time job. The small amount of complainers we have are controlled opposition.

    If we can keep morons from getting radicalized ONLINE we are good to go.