Hydra you wanted links to the information previously when it's provided showing you to be wrong you attack the data and dismiss the info. Be consistent.
Go read the data. Don't blame me. I'm just giving information for YOU to look at. Do a keyword search lazy. Stop attacking me.
Corruption creeps into refugee aid in Lebanon UNHCR corrupt say immigration spokeswoman Corruption at the UNHCR refugee camps
80% of the 'refugees ' are male and 18-30 years old, the other 20% are actual refugees with family's and children, the Greek and Italian authority's are beach combing because so many passports and I.D's are washing up after having been thrown in the ocean so the 'refugees' have no traceability ,of the 80% of males some are economic migrants some are I.s.and some are genuine, I.s have stated on the tinternet that they have sent over 5000 trained soldiers in among the crowd, nice twist on an invasion technique, genuine migrants are welcome across Europe however over half are not genuine
I haven't read the whole thread, so I may repeat some stuff, but personally I believe the UK is not stable to bring in migrants. The evidence is we still have homeless and other people living in poverty. We need to help ourselves first. We should instead arm and train the refugees to fight back. Also, up UKIP.
Pretty sure the option of arming people in Syria got mentioned a few times by various countries. The western powers all struggled to find any groups they could arm aside from the Kurds, who were acceptable to arm. Also as the Iraqi army demonstrated all the equipment in the world is no help if you aren't motivated to fight and don't have the training and leadership to fight. Billions of dollars worth of quality military equip were taken by IS when I was abandoned by Iraqi forces. The whole terror campaign IS has used makes it even harder to fight them. It's hard to find volunteers to fight if they know there's a good chance they will get beheaded or burnt alive if captured.
@WINTER,yes it's all over the eu Congress right now, it's all the eu representatives are arguing a out + yesterday it was mentioned in parliamentary talks in regards to how many of the refugees were legitimate and the volume of males with no traceability due to the fact they are purposefully destroying thair own I.d.s to gain free entry into the eu under the falsehood of them all being from syria, it is accepted that the majority are economic migrants and not asylum seekers, all of this information can be accessed and is in the free domain ,also there is live coverage from Brussels which is holding many meetings involving this subject
He is locked into debate, he has his blinders on like all the ones before him. At least he isn't slanderous to others so...that is all the matters on here. So carry on good sirs. I can't get EU hearings ugh. I won't be back unless we can talk about monster trucks. Winter is classy. ))
Ok hellboy so I went looking for stats that could support your assertions. Closest I could find was data on the Mediterranean refugees who had made it to Italy Greece etc, which is a much smaller overall number. It also seems to be roughly a week old. http://data.unhcr.org/mediterranean/regional.html That's got a 72% male make up however it's also a more diverse group with Syrians making up roughly 50% of the total. So while this grouping of Data has a larger number of males it's dwarfed by the numbers in the areas surrounding Syria, this data is roughly 381,412 refugees, while there are more than 4 million in the total data. So if 100% if that figure was makes it still wouldn't alter the over ratio by more than a few percentage points. As for Italian and Greek authorities beach combing for passports I couldn't find anything to back that except anecdotal reports mentioned in some news stories stating refugees would destroy documents to hide previous failed claims for asylum.
Unsure if this has been stated yet but I would just like to put it out there that Islam is a religion. Which would mean that it can't be racist to hate Muslims as it is made up of numerous races. I would also like to let it be known that I do not hate Muslims, it is not their fault that they have been forced to join a religion based solely on the hatred of other people. But Islam is a cancer that needs to be eradicated.
Larry judging all of Islam by the rhetoric and actions of a small minority is like judging Christians by the actions of westboro baptists church. For a more positive example of Islam look at the Sufi's or the teachings of Rumi much more about tolerance and love for all than the dogmatic Wahhabi sects
christianity is as bad as islam, its just that nobody really follows the bible. And there is only one islam, so yeah... i can judge that easily, its a bad idea, terrible idea.
To quote sir Winston Churchill on the spread of Islam"Islam is as dangerous in man as rabies is in dogs"
People discussed before about sending some make refugees back to fight in Syria, this morning it's being reported that both president Bashad and IS have been making use of chemical weapons. Chlorine and mustard gas both reported used in recent weeks.