People smuggling and refugees are tied yes but the treatment of a refugee doesn't depend on the manner in which they got to your country just the danger they face in what was once their homeland. Is it tragic that criminal gangs are profiting from the misery of despairing people ? Yes it really is, and hopefully something will be done to stop them. However that only affects a percentage of the refugees who need help. The vast majority have not left the more immediate area still struggling to survive in the countries around Syria. They have as much need for protection and assistance as the people walking through Europe hoping for a new life there .
Exactly Hydra. They was war refugees when they made it to Turkey. When they decided to move forward they became economic immigrants.
I know. I haven't even talked about the UN corruption and all the missing and wasted funding. We condemn the ones speaking out against, yet the profiteers go with out a word spoken. For profit human smuggling. They sold the migrants a dream. And now I am the racist and socially unacceptable.
Like the UN isn't a corrupted organization to begin with. Now I have to accept their word at face value. Not. Wake up Winter. You are supporting a criminal enterprise.
So your response to the crisis growing in the Middle East is to attack the UN and say it's criminal gangs ? That seems to be diversionary at best
It is a given rule for anyone wanting to settle in any European county, that the FIRST country that YOU set foot in is that country that you have to settle in. Many don't seem to understand that and that is why people dislike refugees. Specially people in UK, it's not because of skin language or the fact they are from another country. It's the fact that they shouldn't even be here in a rule set by all countries in Europe. The reason they flee the country is to better their life's to live in a save environment, what is safe and supportable for someone fleeing the country is debatable, however being homeless in any European country is safer and more stable than living in a war zone. That aside there is many counties like Germany taking in the thousands that can be supported, and should be treated equally like its own people, but it's when you get those buggers for a better word, actively jumping and skipping though the countries where countries that are safe. They somehow get to the UK, not for betterment but for a easy life living of the benefits, can tell you many stories about quite a lot of them and it's clear they are a active problem for the UK when they are the type of people that always seem to appear on the police camera action and shows alike. But what i find most annoying, unfair and out right stupid is when the media uses pictures of children suffering and other pictures and clips of the same nature to make people feel that they should help them more, than the suffering within the borders of your own country. That is exactly like pushing aside your own kids to feed some random person off the street. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against anyone who seek to give their children and families a better life, it's just the way people and media treat it and abuse of the systems to get one over the people who already live in that given country.
Wolfie from amnesty Neither the 1951 Refugee Convention nor EU law requires a refugee to claim asylum in one country rather than another. There is no rule requiring refugees to claim in the first safe country in which they arrive. The EU does run a system – called the Dublin Regulations – which allows one EU country to require another to accept responsibility for an asylum claim where certain conditions apply. The relevant conditions include that the person is shown to have previously entered that other EU country or made a claim there. This is supposed to share responsibility for asylum claims more equitably among EU countries and discourage people moving on from one EU country to another. But it doesn’t work. It is clear the system greatly benefits countries like the UK and is very unfair to countries like Greece and Italy. That’s part of the reason Germany has just suspended the Dublin Regulations when dealing with people fleeing from Syria. So what's the rule they amnesty says doesn't exist ?
They are reporting the smuggler angle now. You should take a look. Even saying that the migrants are illegal, not legal. I'm using CNN reports. : O I'm in the clear. I'm not a racist. The petition went through for 65,000 SYRIAN refugees. 54,000 signatures. President Obama is likely to pass the ball to congress on this one? That's what I'm reading. If they can't get approval, they will probably try to smuggle them though Mexico.
The current crisis is a problem of our creation. The rise of Isis which dreams from our insane decision to go to war in Iraq. The complete and utter lack of any attempt to build a stable regime in Libya after we removed Gaddafi. Our failure to act over Syria. The UK France and the US have a moral obligation to far more then they currently are. We seem quite happy to go into a country espousing regime change, but quite unprepared for the consequences. Even a brief glance at the history of the region would have shown what the consequences of our actions would have been. Especially when you realise that most of these nations were artificial creations of the west post the Great War.
Capt it's a long and tragic story that keeps getting repeated, it's much easier to break something than to build it. Yes the invasion of Iraq was a mistake but the truly tragic thing was the complete and total lack of anything resembling planning for the events subsequent. The same scenario has played out again and again Afghanistan in the 1990's Libya we interfere then walked away and wonder why it all goes horribly wrong.
Saudi Arabia has offered to build 200 mosque for fleeing migrants in Germany. Or so Lebanese sources say... France is promising Syrian Air strikes to stem the tide of refugees. Russia troops join combat in Syria US moves to block Russian build up in Syria.
China supports Iraqi Gov. and Northern Iraqi Kurds. Turkish Nationalist group linked in Bangkok terror bombing. Links Uyghurs Turkish army enters norther Iraqi chasing Kurdish Rebels. Turkish Pro-Kurdish party warn of civil war. Turkish nationalist attack Pro-Kurdish Party HQ
Or it's 49.5% male and 50.5% female using actual data from this UNHCR info site.
Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean 72% male. UNHCR. From an actual information site. It's cherry picked data you are using. Don't trust link dropping shills. They all lie. Do your own research.
How's that cherry picked ? it's from the link I provided and very clearly shown in the graphic. Show me where your information is from