Refugee crisis

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WinterKnight-, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. I'm well aware of what comes into america, seeing as I border our lovely southern neighbors.
    I just wanted to see how far you'd go to keep me viewed as a racist.
    You did maths, that's some pretty hardcore tryharding.
  2. I do agree with your first 2 points, although a small number of those incidents have race to do with .
    A person can't be a "immigrant refugee" learn the difference between them. It's not as if a huge amount of £££ are getting spent on them, most of it are getting funded by charities, and iv already explained the financial and terrorist among them situation
  3. You're running out of things to say to try n convince me you're not a racist :lol: it's pretty basic maths, but I wouldn't expect someone with a narrow mind and small brain like you too understand
  4. im 100% sure a refugee costs more than £1,600 a year.
  5. Just a common trend I've noticed Ive the discussion. Everyone keeps insisting Middle Eastern countries HAVEN'T taken in any refugees. This is inaccurate.

    Turkey has taken in nearly 2 million refugees 
    Lebanon more than 1.1 million
    Jordan at least 629,000
    Egypt - 130,000
    Iraq, a country still ravaged by violence, has accepted nearly 250,000 refugees.

    Many of these countries also have uncounted refugees.

    The Middle Eastern countries people are complaining about are the UAE (who has donated over 500 million), Qatar, Kuwaiit and a few others.

    The entire problem is MOST if not ALL of these nations are not part of the UN refugee agreement. So that is a separate topic all together.

    The UN has ordered it's more developed nations to take in refugees as it IS AGREED UPON within the treaty.

    Make of it what you will, the majority of the poorer nations in the Middle East have been shouldering this for the world, the problem is they can't handle it alone. Thats why this is an issue.
  6. I would bet my left testicle on it
  7. This isn't including the UN funding which wouldn't be a hit on any economy as they have billions for such situations. Its more a matter of space than it is payment. That and xenophobia. Lots of that going around.
  8. Ok just a small one to add just to be picky.
    But you forgot housing benefit, council tax benefit, nhs fees. Border and processing costs, new national insurance numbers etc.
    I think you will find the costs substantially higher in the first year.
    Less in subsequent years assuming they acquire work.
    That said. Lots of land in Britain?
    Please do tell where?
    And we can't even pay to put roofs over the heads of former wounded service personnel.
    We have families queuing up at food banks.
    And a culture that has been eroded and made more violent by allowing mass migration from more volatile nations for years.

    Hence yet again. Why rather than arguing pointlessly. The world needs to resolve conflicts in the nations that they take place in.
    The UN need to act fast to stabilise regions and allow people to live free of persecution in their own nations.
    The world needs to be rid of radical extremists and made safe for the genuine families of the world.
    Refugees need to be given shelter and aid until they can be returned to their home nation.
    And economic migrants should bring a high skill set or be rejected. They are not refugees.

    The terror debate and risk of mass attacks is of import only if we fail to aid the people.
    Drive the divide. Persecute those who need help and Isis win the Hearts and minds if thousands. Possibly millions.
    Help the people despite Isis, strive to drive Isis from their homes and offer aid and the world can win the hearts and minds of a global community.
    Only until people accept we are a global community can there ever be a chance at peace.
    But reason states. We won't act when needed.
    We will allow idiot fathers that settled for years in Hungary to kill his child trying to get free dental care. ( yes I hold the father guilty of murder. He left a safe country where he worked for a selfish reasons. Not safety concerns.)
    The media needs to focus on what's happening there. And what we need to do to stop it.
    And the world leaders need to realise that without a global stand. Things will get far worse.
  9. I found a propaganda film on Reddit and couldn't watch anymore after watching the first 30 seconds of it.

    It's no wonder no one wants to accept refugees
  10. So Australia has agreed to take 12,000 refugees to help the growing crisis.
  11. Of course. Taking them in now will boost ratings for the current leader of whichever country, and makes the country look good.
    Had to get all the media coverage before anything would be done.
  12. It's brutal. Every network news stories are inundated with anti-refugee/migrant vitriol.

    I'm pretty sure the DNC will to try to push to take 65,000 displaced people. It's been up in the air, but I'm almost certain they will start to campaign for it. I will support this until someone is caught lying. The same security concerns will be used against it that Gulf States are using now. Which have technically taken 0 refugees, and only accept people through their VISA process.

    I have no obligation to support liars. Whether it is DNC,GOP, Catholic Church, or the UN.
  13. A very complicated situation but why should governments of country's take in refugees when most governments can't even provide for there own citizens?
    Now switch the situation if the USA/UK was in the middle of a massive civil war how many refugees does the Middle East take in? My guess is not a large amount of any at all...
    Now to the point of not accepting refugees being seen as Racism. Really? It's the thing people go to every time... Just Bc they're Muslim and we don't take them in doesn't qualify as racism or a hate crime. It has nothing to with race at all... Sure some Muslims are extremists but a small number my guess around 1-3% but terrorism is another problem entirely.
    My final point is the world isn't fair. You're born in the Middle East I feel bad for you but tough luck our countries have our own problems to deal with first
  14. This guy gets it.
    Welcome to the hated group friend.
    Pull up a chair and grab an umbrella to defend from the undoubtedly hurtful words coming your way.
  15. The thing is for integration to work, people need to be accepted with open arms. One of the major issues is self segregation, and forced segregation. So the the less intelligent people decide to throw their hands up and call "racist". They only know the "facts" they are fed. Then use a bias approach in the social interaction with the opposition.

    Which is totally counterproductive, because it just pushes people away who otherwise may be more receptive to the idea if they understood the social dynamics that need to be achieved for successful integration.

    I have issues with the whole process. To way they setup the communities, to the techniques they use to force opinion. Along with the lies, and suppression of information. For example they teach people how to dress and how to act to appeal big hearted people. The deception that is used is ridiculous.

    I believe they should be separated into smaller groups, and distributed into towns/cities/countryside. Not clustered into camps and ghettos. That breeds neglect and poverty. We all know what that brings. Crime, civil unrest, etc etc.

    It's hard to make that happen when the people you are trying to help are so demanding though. So they need educated proper as well. It's all crap, supported by morons who show no will to adjust.
  16. We need to save the Syrian refugees even if it means denying refugees from Central Africa, bangladesh, and elsewhere, and/or reallocating humanitarian aid resources. Why? Because it is in vogue, and Syrians are cuter and fluffier. And we will get more brownie points.
  17. Yes! The only reason politicians would vote to bring refugees in is to make themselves look good so they can get re-elected
  18. I can vouch for that cute Syrian thing.
  19. They are walking in. It's doesn't matter what the politicians want. From Africa, and ME and Southern Asia. Unless you believe they have actively encouraged them to walk there.m

    That could be considered malicious in a self rightious way. Given the tone opposition is met with.
  20. Depends if your country signed the international refugee treaties or not if they did they have a Legal obligation to help refugees if not it's more of a moral obligation to help the suffering.