Refugee crisis

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WinterKnight-, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Maybe this is the reason some won't settle in the Eastern European countries
  2. Corruption in Russia?!
    Hopefully Putin cracks down on that soon.
  3. Putin is the corruption
  4. That's funny, because on that map with all those bad phrases millions of actual refugees found homes. Including Iran.

    Safety should be provided, properity shouldn't be promised.
  6. There is a keyword I put on my post... I wonder what it was... Oh yea! It was "Some"
  7. Who cares WHAT SOME WANT.

  8. There is little safety in those country's thou , I'd want what was best for my family
  9. I wonder if torture is on the US with that map.
  10. You are one of those cowards calling people racist Shawn. You piece of ****.

    This isn't the only place you do that kid.
  11. Shaun*
  12. And people on this thread are racist, I'm not the one being narrow minded
  13. I'm not being racist.
    I just don't want those people in my country.
  14. Hydra safety and prosperity aren't the same but I think you'll find them very closely tied.

    People need to feel safe to prosper. Either that's a part of a civil society or they have enough wealth and power to ensure safety through force. That's not safe for everyone just the privileged few.
  15. "Those people"? That's exactly what a racist would say
  16. Breaking news, Shaun is the media.
    I repeat, Shaun is the media.
    Hello fox news. How long have you had a Kaw account?
  17. a racist would say a race and have no reason to hate them.
  18. I don't dislike the immigrants, I pity them and wish they were better off. That doesn't mean that I welcome them to our country, hell no.

  19. Please learn the definition of racist/racism before you begin saying you are not one
  20. 'refugee' isnt a race. Done.