Reflections of a butthurt EE noob

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Pickled_Pepper, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. TF-Dingbat, umbrella corp has many OSW clans. They never offered any consultation or strategic advice. WarLoR has never been in a real OSW before.

    Some pointers/advisors would have been the least they could do.

    Point is they did jack squat to help us!
  2. How do you get less respect than no respect?
  3. It wasn't 1 clan vs 1 clan. If you aren't familiar with the conflict, quit embarrassing yourself on this thread.
  4. Worm, it's called disrespect.
  5. I meant to say family. Sorry.
  6. You are the only one embarrassing yourself by constantly crying.
  7. I am crying. Didn't you read the title, you moron? It says "butthurt." You got any new material?
  8. Maybe RCA could have done a bit more. They certainly have the strength and finances and numbers. If someone had unexpectedly stripped that much off an apocalypse member they would have a family of clans relentlessly smashing them until they felt retribution. ZAFT would also act in a similar manner I'm sure,
    But who can judge another's families motives? Maybe they bite the bullet now to plot for another day more at their convenience or maybe they can see that in the end nobody ever wins an osw unless your clan is purely for that purpose. Warlor bosses clearly think without ego, and care not what kaw community thinks.
  9. Disrespect is showing little to no respect.
  10. I agree with OP. i mean the strip was impressive and i give respect to that but it did seem a bit cowardly to do it out of no where. what about the guy who did the offending to begin with. it does look like they just wanted an excuse. but hey they wanna stand by the whole disrespected reason, it is their thing to do.
    As for the warlor runners, i mean really? this big respected ee clan and you run at the first sign of osw. so much for loyalty. i still respect warlor and hoe the kick ee butt.

    Yes i am a statless alt and soon me and my legion of statless alts will be all over the forums. you can farm me, my clan, whatever. you wont get rid of us. worms watch out. we are the statless and nameless and we are looking to out virus you.
  11. Go back to your EE wars. Wannabe OSW noob.
  12. @ starless alt. it is strips (whether expected or not) and wars that make this game fun.
  13. Lop, You are out of material, aren't you? Take your tired ass on back to your has-been ways.
  14. lol. Rather a has been than a never has or will be. Estoic edge is calling you.
  15. Why are you recycling jokes? This isn't a yo-mama thread.
  16. Perhaps you should take warlor out of your banner. You did insult them after all.
  17. Don't touch my, has every dam right to rant about this. Why have a family alliance if you ain't going to help em during the rough times? Yafi caught him off guard..big deal that dosent make them cowards, why not start the OSW with a big boom? I understand
  18. Damn post got cut of. :twisted:
  19. Also what is the point of all those towers with under 40 bill in allies?