Redemption Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. I feel stupid now D:
  2. Real quick bump right here.

    I think you all have a slight idea of what this means.
  3. Ooh.

    No more posting four minutes after I fall asleep, right?
  4. The story is very nice
  5. I don't remember what this story was. That may be an issue.
  6. The first story is what you should remember. This one only had one post so far.

    Also, I'm postponing it until tomorrow. I'm too busy doing vacation things.
  7. I'm so exited to see how this actually turns out.... :lol:
  8. I had a feeling this was a sequel.
  9. It's a sequel to LoKaW. And I'm in it with yellow and green plant-hair. XD
  10. I imagined it to be citrusy hair.
  11. It's plant hair //madface
  12. There we go.
    Also, please leave your feedback to Revolution here as well. I'll see if I can bump it back so you guys can read both works.
  13. I ran up your sword? :lol: I like this me.
  14. I love the concept of threads as buildings
  15. I'd give more commentary but in a rush. It's really cool how you've shown the forums so far. Me mí gusta.
  16. Zomg, cheese. This is why we love you.
  17. Unfortunately, I'm a little too queesy from my taxi ride back home from the airport to do anything productive. I'll also be a little busy opening New Years presents :D

    Anyway, no chapter today. Sorry guys.
  18. This is still going? o_O
  19. It was... Restarted, resumed.