Discussion in 'Wars' started by III___Sl___lll, May 27, 2013.

  1. SI and Roxy, what can I say except STOP TAKING ALL THE COVERS 

    Great people, full support 
  2. ☣ᎠᎧψΣᎦ༒λ༒ᏆᎾΠ☣
    What you guys think??? I'm bored :|
  3. Support, great clan, lot of respect for you guys.

    Caterpillar Council
  4. Great thread man. Support.
  5. Lets get these wars rolling!
  6. Support for si n devast4tion great clan
  7. JB my covers u couch now 
  8. I've visited devastation a few times to compete in the EE wars when they first started. I had a great time and when I was there the osw with yafi started. I was surprised how much damage a small clan like devastation can do to a big clan like yafi when they put there minds to it.
    Definite support!
  9. I just know I got naked that war. Great new years day present for me 
  10. I enjoy a naked si 
  11. Support
    Good luck in those wars
  12. Hey another Delta awesome
  13. Not is too many 
  14. Hmmm, I Support my right to have a great steak. Ill take mine medium please SI