Discussion in 'Wars' started by III___Sl___lll, May 27, 2013.

  1. Bump
  2. Bout time
  3. Ooooh-raWWW!!!!

    Much love from the Angels family brother!!
  4. Sogg whats up bro u coming for season 2
  5. Whats sag its sog
  6. Yafi is more then war with is for season.2.nerd
  7. shush it nm my ac is not my friend while drinking
  8. Lmao stop kawing and driving it bad ...
  9. Heres a tip.

    Devs will kill GH for season two... No doubt about it. Get tower builds...
  10. We already have this as requirement. Working on it atm as a clan. Ty for advise :)
  11. Time for war clans to get MEAT-AYYYYYY! :D
  12. Hmmm... This Devil gives support to good friends.
  13. Good clan. Pleasure being part of it. Watch out EE Clans  we're ready to rock some wars and become a new top contender.
  14. Hell yeh 