Discussion in 'Wars' started by III___SI___III, May 27, 2013.

  1. This is a great clan, they have one of best leaderships for ee.

    100% Support
  2. Yep will be a meatshield again for y'all lol
  3. Best meat shield ever 

  4. Support

    This is where I learned how to war good luck in season 2!
  5. Support to my fam
  6. Support!
  7. Don't wanna end up on other side of SI and company:) meatshield supreme! Best wishes from SotUW
  8. lets hope we don't match. You guys are great in war
  9. VIX
  10. BUMP sɪcѧʀɪʉs f^m¡ly ɴøcҭɪs
  11. ༒-DeVaSt4TioN-༒
  12. STABBYYYYY ur are smelling a little fishy. (Psst time to shower) 