Recommended Balance Changes to Indi

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hippy, Jul 12, 2022.

  1. Hey all, Hippy here. I recently sent feedback to devs about my recent indi experience. I told them that:

    1. I had won 45 consecuitive Individual wars on one account with consistent casting (almost every single war 18 and war 2, with the occasional war 10 and 14)
    2. Towers are currently very weak in individual wars, especially on larger players and need a buff, especially for LB players
    3. According to this post from 4 years ago, charms seem to have about half the contribution that buildings offer. Charms should probably be nerfed
    4. Furniture should also be nerfed. Not in power, but making it count towards matchmaking so that low furn LB players can reasonably cast indi

    They told me to write a forum post so other folks could weigh in, and that the more people who are behind an idea, the higher chance it would be made into reality - so plase comment what kind of balance changes you think would be good for indi.

    Until then, i'm going to see how long I can keep my winstreak up. The goal is 1 more than Rising Hawk's legendary streak of 156
  2. I think the only buff towers need, is making furn work on towers. Also, I don’t think charms need to be nerfed, I think they need to count 1:1 and matter just as much as bfa in matchmaking. Those are the only changes I would make. Make towers get the boost from furn (and regardless of troop level for towers) and make the charms count in matchmaking just as much as bfa.
  3. Something to consider with Towers is that they aren't only being marked against everything else in Wars when players consider building them, but also in EBs, where Towers are objectively the worst thing ever. So tower occurance can be considered much lower than it 'should' be already for War.

    Rather than buffing Towers in War it might be worth reworking how they interact with EBs so Tank players aren't absolutely breaking their own knees outside wars with their build.
    Murasaki_No_Koutei likes this.
  4. I like that idea. May be subtle differences on some lands, but currently towers act basicslly the same way as an empty land for plunder. It doesn’t increase plunder the way any troop or spy building would. Perhaps towers should add half of the plunder bonus from Allies that a spy building would or something.
    Murasaki_No_Koutei and Ramiel like this.