recognising balu

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by saltyfeet, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. Neither I just think hes great.
  2. I no u r
  3. Hes also a nerd
  4. Pestilence is just jealous salty ignore him
  5. He types with the spelling of a 2nd grader because in the holy KaWble, it is said in Verse 45 of the New Kingdom that, "If the Saltyfeet shall speak words with perfect grammar, the very earth itself will shake in shock, and in doing unleash the mighty wrath of Spragga. This is the reason why I have cursed this creature with a vocabulary so small and grammar so bad, even some of the great forum translators cannot comprehend it. May we never know what may be unleashed from the depths if this magnificent creature finds his words."
  6. If you don't like TRON you don't like yourself
  7. You mean Baloo?


  8. Whatever dude. Spragga was a nobody. Only tools talk about him anymore.
  9. Cuz that group spam was necessary...
  10. Jesus this kid needs a library card!!
  11. Please don't use the lords sons name for such trivial reasons, it's pretty disrespectful just sayin.
  12. YOU are the biggest tool there is
  13. I'm pretty sure Jesus doesn't mind and the commandment was not to take G*ds name in vain ...
  14. Lol someone is still a little butthurt. 
  15. Where did I say in vein? This thread is terribly off topic by the way...
  16. Did salty just use perfect English? Never thought I'd see the day btw salty is a good troll, tron is just garbage.
  17. I'm curious how much effort you can put into trolling tonight ;)