[RECAP] The New Pots

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by kaw_admin, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. I know I bash you guys a lot, and I still pretty much hate you, but thanks for a thoughtful thorough communication. Definitely feel like you took some time, listened and took quick action. 
  2. "That damn build exploit and this is why we can't have nice matchups" 
  3. This is actually one of the best explanations/forum posts I have ever seen kaw do and thank you for that! I will admit I was very upset to see the new pots go but I do understand. I still think its crap a two week old build can over take kaw and kill the people who have put two plus years into thier builds. I do understand you are working on it but change needs to happen soon. But again thank you for taking the time to listen to the community.
  4. "Improving ee wars is our primary goal " ( and everything after)

     tears of joy ! 
  5. The EE war match-ups should be divided into groups based on strength IMO, that way a little twerp can't hit a large player.... Like weight classes in boxing. I mean, who would win a fight between Mike Tyson and Cesar Chavez?
  6. Hey kaw. Just a quick question. Have the beta testers been chosen and informed yet? Ty in advance :-D
  7. Considering that they said that they're currently experimenting on things with their beta testers, I would say yes.
  8. Nice one devs ;)
    What about making new requirement for pots to be above 6-7m cs? That way you either force sh to grow, or have them excluded from the pots so others can use them normal, as an aspect, to bring hansels/atk mids back in EE
  9. #crying-ass-economic-noobs
    ->here's an idea, let's overinflate every aspect of this "game", ranging from influx of fake gold via the, to new lands with insane CS @ lvl5! Just ensure to leave pots negligible despite natural expansion because of a majority of "poor trendy building" decisions on the mass' part! Cry away putitos- if u wanna be untouchable, then overcompensate with the new lands - basic economics, natural expansion, if only the US fed reserve could recall for BB +(lol), and quit the Virginia drips -!!!!! DER KRAMPUS
  10. Seriously idk who this kaw person is which ape he is ... But if he stays on and keeps up posts like this one ... We may actually get somewhere

    Well done kaw (this guy in particular) for sitting down and actually doing ur job well it's been a long time and this one post gives a little glimpse of hope in all the darkness

    And most here and u are absolutely correct the pots at the highest lvl of play are needed and would be beneficial to kaw in general .. The issue isn't the size of the pots or the cost

    The issue is the smallest of players being able to purchase them and the mix of sizes able to use and hit each other with such huge static pots/Bfe

    Most games are tiered in such a way that smalls can't buy or obtain such over powered objects for their size and can only use/arm these objects once a certain size is obtained where those objects of extreme power are needed for the balance ... That being said smaller players as well as larger players have protection from interaction from each other in the way of so called "bully mechanics" this works both ways keeping bigs with huge stats/equip/pots from picking on smalls and to keep smalls from interfering with affairs of bigger players ... Kaws dts dtw mechs are truely inept with the growth of the game and introduction of equipment that gave builds far greater power then their cs would imply which is wat all kaw mechs are based off of

    Going back to percentage based bonuses from equip and maybe even pulling pots in the same way may alleviate these growth issues in the game along with stricter dtw dts windows

    At the very least make it so that a certain cs must be reached to obtain or purchase the next tier of equip/pots so that u must grow to be able to use them (that being said u must also remember u need to offer them to all players reaching that lvl for the first time not just one time rewards)

    Anyway my two cents worth of response to a well done post by kaw
  11. Thanks devs.
  12. Thanks devs for listening to the feedback and acting positively 
  13. Now I have bronze bars. I'd rather be refunded in hammers. Now I have to take the 30% loss when I put the bb into pots I'll use. Lame.
  14. Really devs? If so many people cared about ee wars they would be signing up left right and centre.

    What about those of us who don't care about EE? PvP means player versus player, not 11 compromised builds versus 11 slightly different, but still compromised, builds. Bring the mechanics up to date and stop pandering to the EE fairies
  15. You are just showing you have no idea what u are doing and implementing stuff that we didnt ask for just to try and keep us quiet.if someone has no idea they can just release stuff and say sorry to try and cover it up but eventually everything catches up.all our suggestions are just ignored and thats why no point being a big acct anymore.
  16. The devs have been listening to us a lot recently :O
  17. Devs are you crazy. Not only did u give us pots you tool them back and refunded with bronze bars. So because warriors complained you removed them. Why did you not beta test them. Why make something to remove it.

  18. HA! Top priority? That build has been being used since BEFORE season 1.. and NOW it's a top priority?

    We tried warring without em but kept getting beat so had to start using them.... and during that time kaw_admin told us that it was a "legitimate strategy" to "combine different sized builds" (i don't have the exact thread but it was said more than once).

    You know what I think is RIDICULOUS? That this has all of a sudden been labeled as a "player created issue" and an "exploit" as though it's the players fault for what EE wars has become. It took a little while but somehow you've successfully managed to get us to point our fingers at the players instead of the devs - take responsibility for your own DAMN coding and stop throwing the players under the bus for problems that YOU created. It's insulting to anyone with half a brain.

    NOBODY uses "spy hansel" for sh... once again you've proved how out of touch you are with your own game.

    What do you do when your own game developer is a n00b?

  19. sh is not a exploit its a strategy for who r intelligent enuf