Rebalancing buildings

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Jun 12, 2010.

  1. Sick of argueing this too lol.
    A defender doesn't make gold off an attack because
    A. They are sitting in their castle/towers and the attacker is in the fields.
    B. They could be nice and let each others dead strip their dead
    C. They fund giving their own troops trinkets and armor/equipment for future regenerations
    D. Defending giving gold would make more 'turtles' who just quest and survive attacks for gold.
    Etc. Just made a long paragraph if need be I'll come back to this later..
  2. Damage of buildings to destruction would have the community up in arms. Nothing more needs be said I hope...

    As for full subs unless they have very good spy allies potions are burned by oppertunist spies easily and in wars are stripped with impunity by the entire clan spying..
  3. I'm for a conservative server purge of kingdoms that have been inactive for say 3 months, think of it as a blight or something.

    Hey Cor, the devs did this once before (that I'm aware of) maybe see if they'd have another go?
  4. You might not know it game, but inactives and alts are regularly being removed or banned.. Just last week there was a few complaints that their inactive farms were removed
  5. Even inactives that art farms needed to be removed. They take up name space.
  6. I know that most of the player use inactives and osfs. I'm sure there will be huge backlash if KaW finds a way to eliminate them, and I can't say that I never use them myself. But my inderstanding of KaW is that it's one of the few games that you need to fight to be the top dog. Osfs are ruining that. I would love to see KaW become what I understood it's supposed to be like. That would require finding a way to get rid of osf/inactive farming.
  7. Funny story there. I kind of expected the devs to not like us OSFs early on however with us entirely set up to help new players get established then they move on as well as a counter the inflation hole we ended up with a good standing. The support of the entire community helped too.

    However with the ability to drop allies, quest mastery, level 4 guilds and tier 3 buildings the OSFs are always availible for all players and fill no niche so prehaps something will happen. As is players complain that most OSFs are closed and/or have difficulty staying open.

    Various types of farming are already killed and the last they can't really touch(attacking players for gold even if defender has 0 as long as he has troops) so expect farming to always stick around
  8. Well I do because it seems like such a tricky "problem" to solve. Players will probably find another way, and they'll probably use whatever is in place to prevent farming to defend themselves. (Hansel build)
    But I think that most of the imbalences in KaW stem from farming. It's too easy to make money and grow. It used to be hard and then everyone complained about nob usage. I dunno. No suggestions from me, just complaints
  9. i really appreciatte that the devs constantly tweak to make improvements. i do think that in this is the danger of interpreting the popularity of a play style based on our game culture as an imbalance and tweaking numbers to compensate. For instance the anti farming stance of our community has nothing to do with game mechanics. The community of players here decided that they wanted a more civilized combat experience closer to dueling than blood baths and we collectively adopted customs and parameters to create this kind of experience. What if the devs said "uh-0h this is a combat game and theyre attempting to limit fighting, we should tweak the returns per battle to make the sixth battle on pay twice as much." What if the buildings are already balanced perfectly and we have just decided that we like to be agressive in our style which causes attk builds to be hired more and therefore organically gave incentives to buy lots of forges and subs? if that is the case isnt code tweaking meddling with our heads rather than improving the game? Sorry if that sounded heavy. i really appreciatte this game and its pro-active devs. Just thinking though ....
  10. I guess more on what I said earlier, but what if people could also buy an alternate set of land, and possibly be able to switch between the two? The biggest problem that I see with the attempts to create diversity is that players will find a build that works in the majority of situations, and then that build gets duplicated over and over again. If implemented, I'd think that there'd either have to be some long timer before you are able to swap again, and/or put a limit on the number of swaps in war. Diversity comes from players having different strats, and strats to counteract them. Giving players more flexibility to develop and impliment different strats seems like a great way to increase the number of different builds without making too many people unhappy.
  11. The reason everybody builds forges/factories instead of the balnced or def versions? As you get attacked, troops disappear quickly. Troops as a form of defense are useless in war. They last seconds. Def pots on the other hand can be stocked up to last for hours or days. And they provide more defense. Towers never go away and are the best, though there needs to be a stronger tower (L4 maybe) for them to be worth throwing away the plunder that land could provide.

    Towers and def pots provide sustainable defense that can last. Troops for defense are useless and always will be, as long as they get consumed in the defending process.

    I don't understand why the devs are looking to make a change here. I don't understand why it's necessary to take the useless buildings and make them stronger. If anything, they could be replaced with new attack buildings or new kinds of towers. Maybe even towers like Lancelot has suggested, L4 def towers that are very strong but require maintenance/upkeep to keep their stats.

    I look forward to whatever the devs end up doing. I just don't understand what the reason is behind trying to get more people to buy the buildings that are currently kinda pointless.
  12. As far as strategy goes, see my post on kaw2 post#40
    secondly, switching out buildings is a very viable strategy but costs gold in tearing down and rebuilding to do. No need for a second set of land that would make matters more complicated than it needs to be.
  13. Let us build 'farms'. Buildings supplying an daily? income. More 'farms' = more income = lesser stats.
    Just my input..
  14. No constant source of income! Build farms and towers and bank gold/trade allies...kill game activity and/or break the game...
  15. I hate storm8 income games. The income business makes it a slow game, and it's kingdoms at war, not let's plant trees.
  16. tmh i would say the point of changing the buildings that are useless so that they arent useless anymore. Makes sense to me. 
  17. Don't you appreciate how cor accepts all ideas and suggestions openly without shutting anyone down? It would be really annoying if he had all the answers and wouldnt let any discussion happen. What a pleasant fellow. 
  18. Thanks. I know I don't have all the answers which is why I encourage healthy discussion by adressing each and every proposal seriously.
  19. omg *facepalm*