Rebalancing buildings

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Jun 12, 2010.

  1. Hmm well I knw it's not out yet
  2. I got an all beastiary build right now, but i'm not liking what i'm seeing. You guys need to explain in explicit detail how this will be a buff for me?
    -more troops, but reduced plunder, so these two cancel eachother out
    -reduced regen counts, which means going from zero-full will take longer than an hour
    -reduced casualties, which is THE ONLY buff i can recon

    i just started saving up to switch to a full forge build, incase this does turn out to be what i think it sounds like. if you can explain how this can help me, then maybe i'll just spend my savings on another ally.
  3. The beastiary also gets a stats increase across the board. The changes make it so the beastiary is more for a casual player (they don't log in as often), but can still generate similar amounts of income as a forge.
  4. can i get detailed answers, please? the stat bonuses are awesome, and so are the reduced casualties, but how effective would be a pure beastiary / aviary build be in war?
    1) losses less troops in attacks and defends
    2) regenerates slower, so more difficult to recover from pin

    :geek: i like to work off math in my gaming decisions :geek: . how reduced is the casulty rate :?: how many troops will my beastaries regen per 5 minutes :?: will the reduction in casualties make up for the dimished regen :?:
  5. To go along with blumpy's pov on page 4 or 5.. I forget..
    But he said towers don't follow soldiers into battle............
    So since towers stay with the castle as defense.. Shouldn't you gain plunder from attacks received based on how many towers you have..
    Also maybe a side perk to being able to scout.. 
    If you see that a kingdom has a tower.. You might be less likely to attack if you knew you would loose money because the tower would take it..
  6. Towers don't move so hence no plunder
    Scouts currently do show towers
  7. But a tower is were you would store all the nice shiny armour you looted off the corpses of your enemy after you defeat their attack :p - real world unquantifiable logic doesn't/shouldn't apply, to think that it's does is delusional at best :p
  8. Real world logic it is then.
    Considering you have troops, how about then that you are using the armor and gear to arm your own troops/pay them passively?

    If you notice this game has no upkeep cost so be happy :)
  9. But that's cuz this isn't a income generate kind of game
  10. That's what I meant.
    For towers to get plunder this game would need upkeep costs for tiered troops and war taxes from a misc building to help cover it.
    Game breakers. Unlikely to happen.
  11. Wait does the lightning tower get stronger?
  12. Yes towers get stronger
    Lookouts don't
  13. No wonder none of my spy def pots get used up. Lol
  14. These changes will launch at 12:00 am PST June 28th, 2010.
  15. Some questions:

    1. The balanced buildings (War Aviary and Bestiary) are gaining at 5% unit count, so will be 2100 when level 3. You also mention that they will have a -5% troop regeneration rate, is this a -5% on the current 167 per 5 minutes or to keep it at 167 per 5 minutes (because of the increased capacity it would be 175), I am guessing the answer is the second one to keep, but would like confirmation.

    2. Are we allowed to know how much each building adds the maximum possible plunder given by allies? I am sure that it is possible to work it out, but I don't have the time or funds. As a general rule guilds give more than troop buildings, will the 5% increase in plunder for defensive buildings (Summoning Circle and War Cathedral) bring them up to a similar level to guilds or not? I am guessing no, but have no numbers to say either way.

    3. Can we get an official chart which lists the attributes for each type of building, relating to it's level, and the costs of buildings and exploring land. I know of 2 charts, but they are already out of date and these new changes make them completely wrong in parts of them.

    A table would have: Building name, max. upgrade level, unit capacity, plunder (amount it adds to max. ally bonus plunder), unit regeneration rate, offensive and defensive stats per unit and offensive and defensive stats for the building when full unit capacity. Costs of buildings, upgrades and land exploration.

    Sorry if anything like this already exists, I am new to the game and enjoying it an awful lot, but it is very hard for me to decide what build I want to use when there is not much information on it.
  16. Devs havn't given free intel before. They prefer us to discover mechanics on our own.

    Take normal regen rate of troops per 5mins after increase and keep it 5% less.
    Less troops will be regened that current even at max.
    For example

    Plunder has always been a mystery and never been posted. However plunder is still guild tilted if you run off of old plunder caps.

    New unit stats/regen and even plunder will be update by the player community you believe me. I'm personally going to shoot for what the max for workshop L1 is then scaling it for my prediction.

    This wasn't quite what you were looking for but things will be posted :)
  17. Will subs still give more plunder than Circles and aviares???
  18. Well I have made an excel spreadsheet and done some maths, with the increase to attack given to summoning circles they will be better than subterranean war factories. The only reason to keep subs is for a larger plunder bonus (so I am told), although I personally can't compare the difference in plunder bonuses given by each building currently. The 5% increase to plunder bonuses in summoning circles may make it even less of an advantage to have subterranean war factories.

    24x Sub. War Factory -> 518,400 / 345,600
    24x Summoning Circle -> 393,600 / 518,400
    (Ally bonus, 1/50th of true power, used as the numbers are much smaller)

    Those numbers are from the first post, where summoning circles gain some extra attack. As you can see the full summoning circle has equal defence to the sub build (so the winner comes down to luck, pots and allies) but it has a 14% greater attack than the sub build defence (making it much easier for the summoning circle build to win).

    Not that I like it, but I can see this change to stats being changed/nerfed/removed as people will just change subs to summoning circles.

    I could be missing something here, and please correct me if I have made a mistake.
  19. Cor why are they increasing the defense of scout towers?