Really I.S.S?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by BCK-_Smurfin_you_-BCK, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. I honestly have no idea....
  2. Pup, I full barred you, 36 hits exactly
  3. This might not go well for the big cats
  4. Fb attacks is hardly 36 hits 
    Like I said 21 inc
  5. Shino bars vary from EBS. Larger the player bro the more units you used. You may have successes all units at 600 lossed soldier as opposed to what you would do to a smaller player 435
  6. TL:DR
    Attacking player bars differ from attacking an EB. HITTING PLAYERS you lose more pots.
  7.  thanks for teaching the eb noob PvP mechs omega
  8. Bro, theres something wrong with your newsfeed if it didn't say 36, want me to xtal to make sure?
  9. Yeah. Xstall and actually count then you dumb ass
  10. Omega, check his attack stats, if anything it should have been more hits 
  11. @avatar. Good or bad I'm not gonna quit ill keep hitting til my clan is down to nada but loyal warriors that don't care bout a games stats lol. Worse they can do is strip me I'm really not worried
  12. Funny cus we did a 800B strip on one of your members a couple days ago
  13. Shino that doesnt matter he most likely used 11 or 13 pots.
    War beast i lose 450units per hit
    TGS i lose 600.
    Now if that EB had DEF pots i would lose probably 700. Use MITH to lower your lost troops SHINO.
  14. He had 1 lmfao
  15. Awe Skye why u leave I had fun hitting u lmao
  16. I was there for the 2nd Farm Event
  17. I am a hansel. No need for full def pots.

    Regardless the guy can't count hits
  18. Lmfao, I love how easy it is to waste your guys's time, you morons will argue about anything 
  19. SS the fkn newsfeed!