**READ** New Idea for EE Match Ups

Discussion in 'Wars' started by I_I_I-DarkAce07-I_I_I, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. I've based the class system according to war experiance...
  2. People complain about match ups but rank 200 plus would not fight top 50 if more rank 200 plus applied to war. I'm not sorry that my clan is ranked highly on lb and I don't get frustrated at our match ups.

    Is it fair clan rank 500 fights 50, probably not, but it's not kaw it's clan ranks 500 etc fault for not having interest. End rant, get small clans interested and match ups will be better....
  3. Not support. it wouldn't be fair for us Mercs clan.
  4. Fair is crap if small people want to war then more than 1 non lb clan should sign up, if not complaints are futile. Again, it's not the devs it's you that are the issue. Besides I compete well enough to create problems for opposing clans in war and I'm small in the world of system wars.... But, and this is a big but, I have invested heavily in knowing game mechanics and being war ready, I.e pots and items. Pots may not be as important as they once were but I still defend with regularity attacks from larger attack builds......
  5. I cant compromise both of these complaints: Lb doesnt mean a clan is gd at war! & What if a #200 clan verses a #60 clan...
    it seems that ppl rite now believes in is experiance, not clan rank...so i followed that opinion and used the EE as a way of determining a clan's war experiance...
  6. @Darkace,
    That's true, but, people complain every weekend that they're clan is ranked 238 and were unjustly forced to fight a clan with a rank of, ohh my 104. I agree that and also posted in my last post that being a small hansel I am still highly effective in war and smaller clans can indeed out gun with tactics a large clan. That being said people feel the need to view their loss or matchup as something the devs have messed up on. I disagree with this 100%, the devs create a matchup based on an algorithm, now If only a few clans sign up in the higher strength lb rankings they're going to be paired with a stronger lb clan. Is it the devs fault? I think it's the players fault but the paladin equipment set will have more people entering their clan to war so they can get said set. The devs have created a reason yet again to increase what everyone asked for and now people find a new gripe, get over it and war, encourage others to enter their clans to war.
  7. @darkace I agreed everything you said my clan is in the 200 and we still won LB clan
  8. Overall your idea is not bad the problem is that not enough people are interested in war. Also, people will just like during summer wars complain that they should have the option to be plat etc etc or during ASW be able to enter because vets can. People enter these wars for achievements not to war we learned this during asw I'm not ranked high enough to war in asw but I'm confident I'm a better warrior than 70% that did war during asw's.

    This new EE war system is great from my dealings with it but it's new. Perhaps when more than 50 clans enter we'll be able to have a 4 tier system for now I say good job devs and step up smaller clans and take a chance. Worst thing that can happen is you lose a few mith and the war, that's not so bad...
  9. Blossom,
    You fought a family clan who are very good in system war but I'm willing to bet it was a mixed roster, meaning you mixed the rosters.
  10. Also, a clan could drop ee by leaving original war clan to drop rank to dominate and effectively have an mith war in lower ranked wars. Hell, I could even imagine big clans making several different clans of 30 chosen warriors to be a specific size and rank to dominate your lvls, actually that being said you could do that to farm mith off smaller clans with no exp anyways. After all, who doesn't want to be the first with paladin war armor...
  11. bronze bars
  12. i guess ppl could do that...but everyone wants BOTH a gold EE and armour...not just one thing...
    btw, the higher the class, the better the reward (meaning its a gamble: higher class=higher stake+better payout)
  13. Ohhhh yeeeaahhh 