re# Ya_Judgment_Fi

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _-_T_bone--_, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Since they are your friends, you could either ask them or join them. ;)

    We war whoever hit/threaten us or our members, and will go all the way especially if they are good meat, that's all I will say.
  2. ^Spoken by the YAFI spokesperson, so I guess she's right ;)
  3. In almost 3 years, I've never seen YAFI start **** on forums.. Or publicly call morons out. It's always people picking fights then begging for mercy.

    If you can't handle the heat, then get your ass to the store and buy me a sandwich.
  4. @igcb I feel the same way about her posts. I could potentially spoon out my own eyeballs if I never had to read anything she wrote ever again.
  5. Omg ancienne ... I don't think I've ever witnessed rage to this extent..

    Pages upon pages upon multiple threads ..and I can't understand ONE post

    The more you talk, the less people like (or support) you :roll:
  6. ALL you will get by your "strategy" YAFI is to kill the game by making more n more leave the game ... nothing more n nothing less! ...

    btw we're NOT just "meat"! ... note that! ...
  7. only special "people", Ron! ...
  8. There goes another clan to THE YAFI WAR. MACHINE....... LOL
  9. People talk smack. They get hit. Simple. Never seen any of our guys EVER start something. Why I love the fam. We war for and with purpose everytime. JUDGMENT_F till the end.
  10. Bust out the cohiba!
  11. Anicenne, give it a rest. You was farmed, end of discussion how many times we have to read the same bs. Zafta forces people to leave the game, so did Umbrella Corp, Warlor, etc. If you have an issue with one, fine settle it one on one. This is a war game,I dont cry on the boards when I get hit or lose in a war. Grow up already, your same remarks on yafi threads makes you very childish.
  12. Severe case of acute verbal diarrhea
  13. Someone put a gag on that ancienne already
  14. ... I can ... Talk like ... Ancienne ...
    These ... Full stops ... Add tension and suspense ...
  15. All Yafi members. Please ignore ancy pants. She does not deserve the attention she craves. Just let her ...away... And go look at other threads.
  16. Ancienne has a wide on for Yafi by the sounds of it
  17. @Ancienne

    This is a war game.

    In joining this game, the tutorial shows you how to build your kingdom, and how to attack people. It's a WAR GAME.

    Terms, forum apologies, resets....these are tools in ending conflicts. Sometimes agreed upon, sometimes not. As you see in the OP here, the terms were not fully met, and war continues.

    If you cannot handle a war game, then don't play a war game. Crying "bully" gets you nowhere.

    And, for anyone seeking sympathy....hiring Ancienne to be your spokesperson is like hiring Nicholas Cage to be in a serious movie role. It just doesn't work, because he loves himself too much.

    Same with Ancienne. She loves to come to forums and find a way for people to feel bad for her. But NOBODY ever does.

    Props to YAFI once again for keeping it real.

    If ever YAFI needed another warrior to destroy everything, I found one.....️

  18. I want those lazer eyes!