Re: Wow DEVS

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Starwarrior14, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Actually my parents are part owners in one of the largest chain of hotels in North America and send me a nice sum of money each month, enough to club whenever I want, pay rent, max xtal, but booze/drugs, get the picture I'm rich without having to do any work lmao.
  2. who's jealous
  3. Ok, that was nice, but you gotta get your lips off his anal cushion device, bro.
  4. Low life can't even prove it. Lmao I guess im president now
  5. So basically eric is paris hilton?

  6. Well, I don't work (am on KaW) 20 hours a day and my EB history is filled with obvious max xtals from me. I don't work or go to school which is easy to tell, and I max xtal and use nobility often. I'm obviously rich and don't work.
  7. Or ur just a poor fat ass at home who got lucky enough to own a phone
  8. Eric Northmen is HOT in the show that is he's one hot vamp
  9. That's nice, bud. I dont have any free time whatsoever. I have less than 2k to my name atm, and i spend every minute outside school working to make money to support my family.
  10. you're funny star, so prove you have a main an post here
  11. For u too farm? No thnx
  12. He's scared :lol:

    Oh no please don't take away my virtual money
  13. It is a shame when a topic that many in kaw are emotional about has threads started by tiny alts. It devalues the points you made. Posting with your main (or at least a alt that ia big enough to have played enought time people can see you understand the game) is part of your credibility.
  14. proves my point, no main, he's just a noob raging... grow up noob, and stop the jealousy
  15. And there goes ur virtual troops
  16. Battle list Wednesday starts early :twisted:
  17. I still have 10,000 virtual troops left? umad?
  18. Nope cuz ur weak, and don't have a life
  19. Anyway, anyone who actually agree with my point??