re: uk you're being ripped off

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by xX_-The_BLADE_RUSH_MaCHiNE-_Xx, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. I'm in the euro zone. I pay €4:49 for 6 xtals or 50 nobility on the iPhone. Wife is on android and only pays €3:49 for the same packages. Odd thing is, we are in the same house using the same card details to buy these packs. Why the difference in price for the different devices
  2. Google and apple get a % of the pay so i guess apple charges more :/
  3. Oh ok. TY for the info on that. Now I've got Apple ripping me off as well as the Devs
  4. Lolz
  5. No support whos gona pay for the queens and kings trips to the usa keep those taxes rolling ata
  6. Fair point raised OP, trouble is...majority of forumers are bell ends.

    So dont expect much help from posting.
  7. If I'm not mistaken the devs have nothing to do with the rate exchange from dollars to eruos or any other form of money it is all done through apple or google play they are the ones who set the final price for the apps the devs just give them the amount for a certain price

    You should try contacting apple or google to get the prices corrected that would prob be the best way to go about it but then again nobody has time for that
  8. We'll the truth is your dumb you have a way to buy more nobs and you tell the devs so they can change it to make more money in stead of you getting more nobs. Gj op
  9. It is a fair point but it's a product for sale, the company sets their price and moves on. Now in app purchases are different. Because the device they are attached to has a percentage of the sales prices sent to them.

    Now if you really want to get these at ATA prices login via PC and get it at their lowest price, without any surcharge.
  10. Math and numbers... this is why I'm broke
  11. Well then come to the US then buy the damn nobs and go back easy?
  12. Currency such as the pound are constantly changing in value to the US dollar. To constantly be changing it is impossible.
  13. Currency conversion is made by App Store and by app. So for this matter blame Apple not ATA.
  14. I didn't realise prices varied like this. Whatever the reason for this why should it vary? We all play the same game but from different continents. I think op has a point and it should be addressed 
  15. While Google is using the official exchange rate, Apple is using their own exchange rate. An exchange rate that apparently wasn't updated for years already.
  16. 50nobs is now £3.29 not 2.99
  17. This is wrong for OPs concerns.... ATA are clearly using two different exchange rates for purchases of two different items which cost the same Dollar amount.. this is a fault with ATA.
  18. So funny watching trolls make a fool of themselves. ......op has a legit point n morons desperate for attention trying to put the guy down to make themselves look sooooooooo cooooooool..

  19. Again...Apple is doing the currency exchange not ATA. The whole payment system belongs to Apple. ATA is not selling anything to you. Apple do. And later they transfer the money (in USD) to ATA after they take their cutt.
  20. Whats your point vlad................because its apples fault then its not an issue .....your missing the point here