Good job twicc I'm assuming you did half the devs work for them judging by how long it's taken for them to take a heavy interest in botting again. Either way keep going devs plenty more that have gotten away with it for quite a while.️
While to some point I agree with you, as someone who has seen the script that was being used I can tell you it was very advanced. Let's be clear with this not all YAFI were cheating, in fact 3 of there members were so disgusted with what was going on, that they provided the code, which was then used by ATA to find a way of tracking, and ultimately banning. Id also like to note that this wasn't a few accounts, it was a very large percentage of the YAFI Family, and to highlight the effect I can confirm that most of NA took between 2000-6000 hits per day for a year. The cost of that in terms of RL$ spent has not been calculated, but the effect of fighting a bot army is demoralising; and I can't praise Twicc and the rest of NA for not walking away, though I'm sure most wanted to. It's hard to watch an enemy grow, whist you are fighting their automated commrades. The question now is what will YAFI leadership do? They can't deny it happened, though morons like Whiteghost are trying to do so. It is also unimaginable that the leadership did not know about this. I know if I was a Yafian I'd be walking at this point, because this clan has turned out to be KaW's greatest disgrace. To ATA, bravo on finally taking action, I just hope that next time something like this is reported that support takes it more seriously that they did for the first 6 months of reporting.
That's right Jobe, 50 of your clanmates were reset for've been hanging around Freeze too long.
If you are referring to the fake bot that Twicc was trying to spread around say that it was ours it didn't do anything. That code was so bad it would fail upon start up so actually Jobe is right that script didn't do anything.
Once again, YAFI thinking ATA would reset all those accounts without proper investigation. You fools they've been tracking activity for's rock solid, so cry all you like
Watch the enemy grow? You guys just ran hte while we hit you and will continue to hit you and strip. Most of your clan doesnt even hit. I do know they war apheriun well.