RE-imagining OSW: Part One: System Wars that Punish

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Perhaps some more detail is need here. The system I am proposing, would allow clans to run EBs, go to EE, all the other things clans do. However, if a bare minimum of successful actions is not achieved, the offending clan would lose have their clan achievment bonuses. If they lose the war, they lose one of them, and have to build it up again. More details could be worked out, for example, we could make a rule the same clan cannot be attacked for 48 hours after a war.

  2. Obviously this person didnt read any more than the title of the thread.

    All the Mechanics are not in place to inflict losses on someone. In fact, very few of them are. I cannot, for example destroy a player's buildings, only attack their bfa through strips or pin them. I cannot weaken the clan bonuses of my enemy clan or display to the public in a meaningful way that they are indeed losing the war. Please reread the thread.
  3. I like an idea of having a -% plunder bonus. That will hurt eb money
  4. I like the idea, but only a few mith as reward, i don't think it would motivate people. Especially the fairies in this game, if there would be more rewards, or a bonus during the war ( Plunder spells (PvE/PvP), equip, seals, etc.) i know this isn't the reason why you should Osw/Pvp but it would motivate a lot more people to try the taste of PvP. I guess.

    Thanks Phil, it's a good idea and i appreciate it that you put effort in this and try to improve it.

  5. support, a game is boring without risks and at the current rate this game offers no thrill or competitive spirit what so ever unless your willing to spend your spare $$. it isn't that hard to spend loads of money on this game to grow to be fair just a few spare bucks here and there and you will be up there in no time however there is no incentive to really go so far on this game anymore as there is no end product it's no good building a super weapon if you can't use it
  6. @ Black

    Completely agree. There should be some stress, tention, and actual loss in OSW. Too much of it is like a tea party, with no one comeing out on top. losing class bonuses and harming the reputaton of your clan would add a little spice to Kaw.
  7. Doesn't this completely go against the fact that osw's are meant to be off the system?
  8. Again what idiots think they deserve respect just because they are daft enough to spend more money and have no social life so they can put the hours in. Sad lonely people deserve no respect.
  9. I feel like OSW should stay well.. Off system.

    It doesn't need to be touched by the devs, it works it's own magic.
  10. I support this. This would be great. Good read philosopher. Thank you.
  11. Occasional ally striping? Have you seen how Apoc wars..nothing occasional about it :D
  12. OSW normally lasts for days,weeks, months its pretty much suggesting pwars with weakened drops which makes strips osw's useless. i dont support plus what about kaw now clans are at war with all bunch of clans that are mixing osw's for example zaft is fighting clan a hq and apoc. clan a hq is fighting zaft and i believe another clan๎’ would those other clans get added in or have seperate wars? Also bigger osw's such as apoc and zaft have multiple clans in their family how would those get added into it? specially in a small 1 day warring window that may not meet the warring leaders needs zaft isnt gunna stop pretending to fight after a 1 day war. ๎– there were other things i just got lazy and didnt want to type them all out but the points out there.
  13. For an osw war of this structure I think a day would be too short. Maybe a week?
  14. i wouldent use this idea to remake OSW but possibly improve and get pwars back to happening