RE-imagining OSW: Part One: System Wars that Punish

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Support, I really like the clan damage and clan rank limits, but this should be more a system war improvement than OSW improvement.

    OSW should not have limits, its reward is already pure enough. Maybe tweak PvP hit ranges to be more accurate with BFE and BFA disparities. Oh and kill all Def/Spy Def pots, so tower builds can be cracked. Rather than attack pots balancing defense pots.

    BTW Trademarking the term "Drop Clan" for all the clans that will use the strategy to have members drop build to exploit weaker clans!
  2. Not likely to be introduced. From history we see devs don't like people to lose things because the backlash (gold in osw the obvious exception). First pvp event people lost shards. Second pvp event devs stopped the ability to lose the shard things because people having massive cry about dropping off lb real quick. Highly doubt they will introduce something where a clan loses bonuses. They also introduced an opt in spell, thus removing by auto join.... This is another example where your idea of clan unable to reject war challenge is just ridiculous. That won't happen....
  3. If your referring to my PvP random drop thread I'm not a purist. Just sayin
  4. Hole: creating clans with alts. Declaring war on random EB clans. They must do war and cannot do any EBs.

    Could be good actually :) nobody likes EB fairy clans
  5. No support
  6. But with outside hits OK u can still have more then one clan hitting plus can come together on what clan and when to hit the war button
  7. If they work it like osw they still could run ebs they would just be taken hits to
  8. What about this.

    Have a system that just tracks plunder and attacks, steals, assassinations, and scouts just like a system war. But it has an unlimited timer any number of clans can join in on the war and whenever a clan wants to leave the war there is a button that requests a cf and then they would no longer be involved with any calculations. Only hits from clans involved in war will be tallied. And in the case of a mutual cf there should be a mutual cf button as well.

    Hopefully that all makes sense.
  9. Oh also the winner gets nothing except the satisfaction of winning.
  10. If you could not turn down the war challenge, then members of a larger alliance could effectively keep members of a clan in a smaller alliance from being able to repot by hitting ebs. Furthermore if you allow outside of war hits on the target clan, they target members have no ability to replenish defense pots by hitting ebs. And for anyone who says you should only PvP and not hit eb's I say . . . serioiusly? All of us have to grow somehow or we would be nearly statless alts.

    Consider the current OSW against ZAFT. Suppose Zaft Carnage were targeted by the opposing alliance with any number of clans in the opposing alliance taking turns challenging carnage to a war. As soon as the last war ends another challenge issues. Carnage would spend weeks unable to hit ebs and replenish pots. Apoc could also call in outside hits. It could conceivably choke off a clan entirely (unless you left). Then call anyone who leaves the target clan a war runner (shout out to all of the forum trolls and wall monkeys who claim anyone who leaves a clan in an OSW for any reason must be a runners).

    Anyway, there are more issues but I'm off my break.


  11. @kage

    I don't see anywhere written that you can't do EB while being in these OSW wars.
  12. Honestly, a bunch of nonsense.

    Why would you need to bring rewards, losses and stat counting systems into osws?

    Aren't osws meant to inflict losses to the opponent nowadays? Are you feeling that osws don't inflict personal losses to most participants (especially on the receiving side...) nowadays?

    Or are you just trying to revamp system wars or the EE trials into some strange loss inflicting skirmish instead of a competitive tournament?

    I think that if your innermost desire is to inflict losses to someone, all mechanics are in place already today to achieve this. No need to have scoreboards to publish official stats which are pretty meaningless in an osw, where stubbornness and activity counts for most. You basically are asking for a reward (recognition) system for farming smaller clans for 24 hours.
  13. @kassio

    Lol did you read? He wants to inflict losses on the clan bonuses, not some individual.
  14. OSW should stay exactly that, off system, no structure & absolutely no intervention by devs.Otherwise what input do players have left into how they play the game.
  15. This would work really well. The only problem is, ATA hasn't put into effect an alliance system. So a clan could declare war on one or more other clans. Or an alliance could declare war on another alliance. Also, any outside clans should be able to view the war (just like any other war by clicking on the bar at the top of the clan's page) and join it if they wish.
  16. This would work really well. The only problem is, ATA hasn't put into effect an alliance system. So a clan could declare war on one or more other clans. Or an alliance could declare war on another alliance. Also, any outside clans should be able to view the war (just like any other war by clicking on the bar at the top of the clan's page) and join it if they wish.
    Also, you should be able to run ebs at the same time (like normal osw) to self pin.
  17. No support
  18. @ frog,

    Perhaps I misunderstood, but I thought this was going to use a modification of the current system war (except the challenge cannot be refused). Unless I am recalling incorrectly (I'm old and it happens), during a system war you cannot run ebs. That was the premise of my argument on how you could starve out a clan. If you could also run ebs during this OSW system war proposal, then disregard my previous.


  19. This seems to be a hard way to crack a simple problem. It's not a bad idea but is geared towards the big clans in osw.

    Currently pvp players lose out to eb players in terms of growth ability via less gold and bfe equipment and EE players in terms of bfe via mith. As such there isn't much incentive to pvp other than the fun of it and a lot of reasons not too.

    So a simple solution is to provide more gold via pvp than eb. Then there is an incentive to pvp but given the risks folk can still choose the easier but now lower gold option of eb. Feels a fairer balance.

    Not sure about how you balance equipment/bfe unless pvp provides random drops of mith like it did in the pvp events.