48 land guilds are not the ones to be thinking about, think of the >20 land guilds. 1b isn't much to anyone well off in the game already, but for those just starting out, it helps.
For those that are starting out, it does not really affect them as a guild hansel is a STARTER-type of build. If they want to hit mid-tier ebs or want to war, they can just upgrade.
It's called we have one week^. I don't give a damn about the GH nerfing, the fact that they give us one week to prep for the change makes it seem like they expect us to max xtal the x3 if and when you can get a x3. They need to realize that they could have given us more time to prep and people could have been happy. Also, knowing that they did this change because of all the big builds that cried is pathetic. All the big builds calling people crybaby and whiners are the very same people that cried to the devs because they were getting handled by some GH. The build has been around since the beginning, the mechanics since the beginning, yet because of EE wars they nerf the whole build in every other aspect. PvP and PvE won't be the same because of the small portion of people that lost to EE clans. Bunch of crybabies got the build nerfed, pathetic pansies.
I never once disagreed with that aspect, and I could care less for the nerf. There's a few things I would do differently if I had any sway at ATA. 1. Refund guilds, it's not much for a lot of GHs out there, But for the few who just started and were told its a good stable build and great to rely on for gold- it sucks, and would probably be the deciding factor in whether or not they should even play. 2. Create a shortcut in order to get from the beginner stage, to the upper tier stages in a quicker fashion. As it stands now, players who don't have connections to people already playing the game will be put into low tier eb clans. There they will slowly progress. They probably won't ever make it to BC. The game will either expand too quickly for them to keep up or they will quit trying(this more than likely). Guilds used to be that short cut, and I'm proof. This account is 50-60 days old, I have 20 HL, 10 HF, and 400b to flop around in. I'm active, but not as much as I could be. 3. I would slow the **** down. Seriously just take a chill pill on growing the game. When did they release T6? Not too long ago, now they have T7 set for "early next year" a couple months. I mean, unless you're a spender, a long time player, or already BC, there's a good chance that you might not even be done with the HF. Now we have to upgrade those T6 to L5(?) and probably open a new set of lands to build T7, unless they plan to open T7 to high lands or low lands(I'm guessing they will). 4. Time to tend to my food.
It says t7 won't happen for a while. Chill out. Never does it say early next year t7 ! Do you know how to translate English ?
If I was on PC I could show you. .. Or you could just take yor add pills and finish reading the thread. :lol:
It is early in the next year. I predict these t7 coming out between march or April. It clearly says "Early in the new year." Idiots in Kaw these days.. Can't help em.
Bwhahaha. Y'all are both idiots !! No wonder y'all like gh. Too dumb to do anything else I guess hahahhaha