Re-Funding GH builders

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by uGotSmurfed, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. im not a useless gh im a real build with real stats i dont have any money banked nor did i when started changing mt ll you chose to be gh now deal with the consequences i chose to not be a gh on any of my accts. and apparently i chose correctly
  2. lol you want a cookie? you cried you won and your still trashing gh. why? haven't all your kaw problems been solved with the great gh destruction. your starting to sound like you have gh envy.
  3. i never cried about them but i find it ******* hilarious that until yesterday ghs were " if you cant beat them join them and quit whining" now that its reversed all i see is gh ***** whine piss and moan
  4. bypass much?
  5. You know what it was like before EE?

    Everything was just fine, GH's weren't complained about all the time, people would would actually war other than to get equipement, I wasn't put into a Potato...I just tested...

  6. nope not a single bypass the filtered words are filtered
  7. No support. I did not get any special consideration for my build. Nor did anyone else. GH build are cheap meaning u should gl have tons of gold lying around join the rest of us that have spent untold trillions on our builds
  8. We deserve at least 200b to convert ll cos i converted on the Same day u posted that i was capping gh's and if i would have known i would have stayed attack
  9. go kaw admin!!! lololololool you just got trolled by kaw! priceless. it's their game btw, they don't owe you anything.
  10. So your saying freedom of choice on build is being removed because fools are crying about guild hansels so next to go is big hitter attack builds because no one can hit then big build of any kind what next  every one decide their build when they start why start changing the finish line just because they feel hard done by fools 
  11. Haha gh the nubs are scared of our plunder in wars on their eb builds so they complain xD! Watch everyone complain on Hansels next lol
  12. Disagree. The game dont have to pay u for ur mistakes.
  13. Lolol calling all gh to start complaining about all the other builds cos they are "better" now  cmon guys… we sacrifice our stats, for a little adv in EE, rest all builds own us. So you want to trash us? Let the complaining start 
  14. Like admins post on the first page but people who dropped there build in the last week before gh changes should get a funded at least
  15. idk what you all are going on about. what is a gh? doesn't seem to be in this game...
  16. Yea, no refunds to cheap easy build GH who had fun while it lasted as Devs stated 2 years ago changes would be. Thank you KAW-Admin. Job well done. And yes I have 2 GH alts. ******* whiners
  17. Why do GHs need refunds? You guys had the upper edge in wars already! We can give you refunds if you give all your war equipments to us. Stop whining and move on.
  18. Doesn't even seem like a valid request to me

    No support

    I have a guild hansel. I was planing on taking my newest alt down that road to grow fast on the way through highlands. Plans may have changed. Im chill. Just upgrade.
  19. You wanna Be compensated for changing your build so you couldt exploit a flaw in gamemecanics ??? Just reset already ....