Re: Continent Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Kat, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. Houston, we're gonna need more sweetner.
  2. How long has extreme been inactive?
  3. Pretty dang long
  4. Are we talking days or hours?
  5. He was online like an hour ago screaming his head off in cc that someone cancelled the war 
  6. and now he is gone.
  7. Some of y'all are really ignorant. You see a player spending his time and effort to make KAW a little more exciting, yet, we show appreciation by criticizing him. Wow, if you don't like it, then don't click on the thread.

    Thank you Jester.
  8. And you are ignorant that people take time out of their schedule only to get ****** up by such noobs. Clap right?
    Exciting lmao
  9. 24hours wasted. If these type of event was organized by the developers the event must go on. 
  10. Ppl are such pains in the @ss at times. They just become hard headed and don't even want to listen to a leader anymore
  11. People don't want to continue doing something when someone else is trying to fix it.
  12. Jester i think it is more of, the creator has given up on it which kills the hope of doing it. Now we have to wait another week which requires us to change our schedule even more...i mean it was cutting close to holidays this weekend, nobody will have time next weekend.
  13. The dates are debatable as well. It can be mid week next week if people want it.
  14. stop fooling people. you are butt hurt since the time u were dropped from asia, and that too was a normal work to ensure no long term inactivity. before asking other to read/listen, guess u need to learn how to read ur own wall.
    i just hope u are not going to get farmed for all this crap.
  15. Good luck leaders for next week. Hopefully i will be taking a long vacation as this day was suppose to be my last day of Kawing
    Merry christmas guy 
  16. How about you get the **** off my thread for attempting to flame. And no I'm not butthurt.
  17. Lol @ Devils

    Team Asia invasion

    Jester you are butthurt from the kick. We laughed at your noob reaction yet kept quiet thereafter and just giggled at Rusted's comment of you being a troll. But seriously, you are having a diarrhea on your thread just for some attention
  18. I say we use one "Continent War Clan" for Season 3 :p
  19. Why not go for 25th Dec - a number of kaw folk will be off work n school that day 

    How's the country Australia holding up vs continents?

    Snr 
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