To ensure that these wars are successful. I'd like to suggest some ground rules. Do with them what you will... -forumers only (these wars were originally intended for them) -no outside help (clans, lbers, mercs) -a max com (possibly) -setting up a council for team leaders and organisers I had more ideas but I forget them.
Lmao Remix, he was the one who thought better than others. If that is what u want to say. Or maybe you want to say that his presence made us have Lu in clan and a chance to learn war better?
It shouldn't be forum only. I don't want there to be an "us" and "them". Plus its nice meeting people from outside of forum.
I think should be a minimum 40 members and 50 max with 4 teams instead of team north and south America call it one tesm America
We are debating on have a war this Saturday, just to keep everyone interested and to show that with proper management it can be done.
You need to just put this on hold. It's a great idea as I have said on other threads. You need to start from scratch with ground rules established prior to starting recruitment. You need to determine war length, Roster size max and min, dates and time, who will make official winner call. This event should be pushed back till after start of new year. I don't care who organizes the event as long as they are organized. Give some time for people to calm down from the epic failure experienced yesterday and to become excited of what would be an awesome event.
@wizened, perhaps you didn't fully read what I said. It is being pushed back. The current leaders are wondering if they hold a mini-mini war if it will get people to come back next time. Read through the comments before posting.
I have to agree with wizened, this should be pushed back further, possibly till after season 3. This will give more time for ground rules to be established, leaders to be chosen, dates to be picked, clans established and rosters created. This was a great effort, but with the winter event just around the corner and season three right after that, there really isn't a good time for Continent Wars at the moment.