-RCA- vs MDK OSW Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Well with EE over , there were rumors wdgaf will come to MDK aid. However with the glitch and the iprophet issue, this may have been out on hold.
  2. Update

    Sources within regulators confirm they have been tracking RCA movements for the past few weeks. Considering the work they put in, they would be very disappointed in regulators ultimately decide to back down.
  3. I pray to the god above someone is tracking somebody. Keep hearing these rumors. Kinda making certain people look like they talk to much and act too little It all started with a forum post, it can all end with a forum post, and it could hopefully get a lot more exciting with another forum post.......zzzzzzzzz
  4. I won't be on this thread much. If anybody has questions for WDGAF they can ask WDGAF directly.

    As far as tracking, I track all OSW clans in KaW as well as their allies. No big deal. I'm 100% sure that people know what time I brush my teeth too.

    SN: This is about the only thing 0ne and I agree on, rumors, and fanboys pop off too much at the mouth. I, too, am about action.

    Regulators will not be on this thread.

  5. Go RCA!!! Lol
  6. Its not rca its just Res..