-RCA- and Kreuzritter EE War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SuperNose, Apr 5, 2013.

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  1. @Lockerbie- Are you stupid, or are you just pretending to be?
  2. Kreuzritter really need to work on recruiting some actives :p

    am in full support of the clans choice to "roll over" and let RCA pick up free mith, tactically they knew there was no point putting up a fight so they saved pots/xstals and effort by choosing not to participate... had they have drawn opponents that were closer in competition then of course they would have made an effort.

    The thing that stands out for me is teamwork, the fact every single player was on the same page by not 1 atta ck demonstrates to me the kind of clan tha Kreuzritter are. well done guys
  3. Exactly Twisted!

    Save your resources for battles you can win and walk away from lost causes, if that was definitely the case!

    Fair play to them!
  4. RCA. Please done feed the trolls. @nose your DTW every-way
  5. Obviously my opinion has no bearing on -RCA- or Kreuz. Both are fantastic warring clans, with impressive resumes. I however, reserve the right to speak my mind. I do so, because I can. It's not like I expect Kreuzritter to come around and go "You know what SuperNose, you're right. We SHOULD'VE fought, even if we knew we were gonna lose, by golly and gee willikers!" It's simply my opinion, and I'm allowed to express it.

    Also, to note, this is NOT the opinion of my Clan, or anyone in it. This is mine, and mine alone.
  6. You're just too big. I'm full troops and spies.
  7. Both fantastic warring clans yet you decide to call one of them out as 'kind of pathetic'

    Seems logical!
  8. A smart person can make a dumb decision, while still being smart, no? Same thing applies.

    Either way, this thread has obviously produced copious amounts of butt hurt, which was not my intent. I will be ignoring this now, and leaving the forums.

    If a Moderator could please lock this, unless I'm missing something on how to get that done.
  9. Wall a forum mod to speed it up. Thank you for deciding to drop this
  10. Giving up like that isn't how I go through life and if it's because they are friends look at other examples like a few days ago when The Hit Squad and Monster Garage got matched. Both Apoc clans and friends but they still fought each other
  11. Edit: I was wrong, don't listen to me.
  12. Just saw the lock request.
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