Actually I think there is a better one in the forums. Easier to read for foreign speaker like me and none of the childish opinion.
A lot of incorrect info here, I recommend you check you facts. examples: max plunder is NOT 1.5x your next land cost. it is determined by your build. there are better guides for determining max plunder. ally trading: read any other guide for ally trading, the most important part of successful ally trading is targeting active allies. plunder wars: huh? don't exist anymore. resets: you also get extra ally slots. It is a guide for noobs, and in the clan section you mention that noobs should not create a clan, then go to describe how to set up a clan? And you focus more on wars than EBs??? I don't understand. Why don't you tell them how to find a good clan instead? Not trying to rip your work, but if you are going to put something like this out there for all the world to read, you better check your facts. At this point, this guide doesn't tell us anything that another guide does not tell us better.
guide but I hope you fix some errors and stuff but when your making a guide you shouldn't be so biassed about what you say. Also I hope you'll add in another section on starting up because if I followed your instructions I'd only know how to be a hanesel.