Razor's Grand Guide to KaW Success!2.0

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xSS-RazoR-AAHx, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. That's because I'm Bob ;)
  2. Friendly bump. thank for the guide razor. im following it right now and im growing pretty quick ;)
  3. Thanks for the bump Shade. And wow, I'm happy to hear that :). Thank you domination.
  4. Nice Job! I made a guide on land completing. Would you mind to look at it?
  5. Sure sorry for the late reply.
  6. Awesome guide :)) I'm getting bigger all the time, but to the chamber is the best eb because you can use items and if you do that you get(I got 600mill bonus) :))
  7. Bump just for The_Philosopher! And that you Raven! Glad you enjoy it. Nice job btw! :)
  8. FAIL
    U just copied and pasted other things from other threads.
    Some little parts are ok, though
  9. How can I copy and paste on an iPod? :roll: My computer did not work before and after I posted this.  thank you for your opinion on my guide though.
  10. And it still doesn't work btw.
  11. The title looks painful .__.
  12. This looks like the one in GaW... 
  13. I can't believe someone wasted so much time making this. And still did a very shoddy, opinionated job.
  14. Haters gonna hate.. Nice guide
  15. Lol it's very sad he has to bump his own second-rate guide just to get people to read it.
  16. You should avoid giving opinions/preferences in the guide part of this. Perhaps edit your reserved post and replace it with a section where you place those opinions and/or explanations. Otherwise it's far too long and kind of rambles on and is hard to read/comprehend.

    I also suggested on the first day that you better space it out and properly use paragraphs, but you don't seem to have done anything about it.

    In MY opinion, a good guide is one that is easy to follow and understand. By spacing it out nicely, it makes it far more easier to read and understand.
  17. Two things
    1. It's in a horrible format. It's basically a wall of text. Put in spaces and paragraphs and you will have fixed 1/2 of the problem.
    2. It's highly opinionized. Post cold hard fact that you have tested and not and opinion, because someone will slam you for the opinion even if it's techinacly correct.
    Other than that it's an absolutely great guide, and when thats fixed I'll be the first to recommend sticky.
  18. Good well thought out guide Razor. Recommend all noobs read it and digest .