Rate the Name

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Bluejay, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. 8, but 10 if that's an Eminem reference
  2. 7. Reminds me of bears.
  3. 10. One of my fantasies
  4. :lol:
    Is DTW and attacks me and gets clan to attack me. I was in TSC before you even played this game kiddo. Sit down :lol: get out of DTW
  5. Literally unloaded what little had on me :lol:
  6. Always dropping build to get out of being slapped about that one best just to ignore his/her mouth I say that because I don't think they know what they really are.
  7. You right -frizzy- I do hide to avoid hits. That's my I've taken 3x the hits you have.

    What does that say about you? Have you ever played kaw as a war game?