Rate the Name

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Bluejay, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. 5 :)
  2. Between 17-38
  3. 5 average

    Had to bump this bc 00-redstars version is effortless
  4. 5 Decent haha
  5. Best ever 10/10
  6. 5.

    Do u have more than 0 rubber ducks?
  7. 8 cause ducks are awesome
  8. 0. 2 A's in a row.
  9. Probably the most attempted username in history of kaw.

  10. 5, cuz I dont watch that show
  11. 1
    I choked on a rubber ducky when I was little
  12. 1 how do I read that?
  13. 8, great name lol