Rate the name >:-D

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Radiant_Hero, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. Your supposed to rate the name not how it's spelled... I can't re rate George tho :'(

    I do re-rate George tho 7.999/10 because pandas are soft. At least I think so.
  2. 4. Theres too many underscores.
  3. 4. Nobody can be reborn
  4. Not gonna tell you what I means since you gave me a 5

  5. 0/10 no originality
  6. 7/10 i get what your name means lol.
  7. 6/10 it's ight

    This was my game...
  8. 1/10 I don't like that game
  9. 3/10
    Satan love 3
  10. 6.784849299199199/10
  11. 6/10
    Not sure about the origins or meaning or anything about that name
    But souls are cool
  12. 3/10 idk what it means or... What it should mean.