Rate my photo 1/10

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Lord_Of_KaW, Sep 5, 2010.

  1. Lol. Grapechelly, how old are you?
  2. turned 16 a few weeks ago
  3. Uh well thats not bad. Most People judging my VMs think im around mid 20-ish xD I had a few thinking im like 40 o_O
  4. Oh ok lol. How old do I look?
  5. yeah, you look older than 14 Taby.
  6. You say that like it's a bad thing..lol
  7. Oh it's not a bad thing!  i look much younger than 16 i guess. thats what my friends tell me.
  8. Oh ok lol. And you should post a pic?? So we can see :)
  9. Lol we totally took over this thread
  10. eh, idk. everyone needs privacy.. maybe later. i'm going to the beach! 
  11. Lol I know right
  12. Well I'm gonna actually get up...lol so bye 
  13. Bye byes. Ima go aswell. See ya'll later.
  14. Wow what the fucc happened to this thread lol it went from rating varths picture to a conversational thread
  15. Hey sachi, why is everyone being ****** up to varth
  16. Why would you ask me? I rated him 0. Wouldn't I be lumped in with those people?

    And im not sure