Rant about mods and their presence in the community

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Kezzer, Dec 3, 2015.

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  1. We select our mods not based on fixed metrics such as having a set number of forum posts, friends, or world chat posts. Instead they're selected on the kind of person they are, how they handle situations, and work with the existing moderation team and us here at A Thinking Ape.

    Moderating is a volunteer position, and so we don't force a set amount of actions required, or force them to post to chat but we do ask that they are active in their duties. We check up on activity, reach out to those with low activity, and remove inactive mods as needed. There are also times in life where people need a quick break, be it school, vacation, or otherwise and we allow our moderators to take these breaks as long as they give us a heads up for anything longer than a week or two.

    As for silences, keep in mind that it's not only moderators that silence players and that our support team reviews reports as well. If a player has an issue with a silence they should contact support to review it, and as such there's no need to disclose which moderator silences in chat at this time. Any issues that do arise can be handled internally by our support team working with the moderators.

    I hope this answers some of your questions/concerns.
  2. That's actually a really accurate train of thought.

    While I agree that there are going to be certain times where we do not want to be bothered, each and every one of us know what we signed up for. From the haters, the farming, the strips, the pms, the wall posts and everything else.
  3. Seriously? Who cares ? You're crying cause mods aren't engaging in wc convo? Get a life.

  4. Well, I meant niche in the context of individual strengths. Negligence to perform a duty or to not be present at all in the game, is a serious matter and I do share your sentiment.

    Specific moderator feedback is always welcomed at:

  5. YAH DUNT SAY?

    Are a moron or something? Of course it's an unpaid position, that is why they have no obligation to socialize with us. If they had to listen to us, then they could expect remuneration. Let's use the brain today.
  6. Don't really think this is fair. Remember people do things at different times to you too, it's not like theyre not around at all. A lot of work happens in the shadows that you as someone looking on it wont ever see for that exact reason, but the work is still being done.

    True it would be nice if more of us showed in chat now and then but to be honest, most of the time its just not worth it. You need at least 30 mins free just from 1 post because of how chat cycles and wall posts ramp up. It's not something you can do easily, only when you have a chunk of free time.
  7. Terra for mod
  8. Moose is a fairly good mod. Doesn't cry when stripped. On the other hand, he pays crap. Get growing Moose.
  9. Let's not pull things out of context. You want to act like the fool and say Mods aren't paid enough, and then try to play me the fool for amplifying your own statement, that's your perogative.

    Start playing the jerk however,and you will not be pleased with the response.

    The insults and attempts to raze others does not go by unnoticed.
  10. I know that mods are all on at different times and can't always be in chat and that they do it a lot. It was just a thought about what the effect might be as a result of some mods being less active. Not saying I'm right. Was just a thought.
  11. Congratulations Kezzer!!!!!

    This is the most ignorant thread this month.. You really should think about going outside from time to time instead about worrying why the mods don't talk to you...

    It'll be okay buddy.. Just breath
  12. Did I hit a nerve prime?

    I just want to say thanks to all who posted their opinions on this matter.

    I am well aware that the support team also silence players however there are cases where you can tell that it was a moderator that performed the silence due to seeing the bypass in wc for example. I know that it's not mandatory for mods to claim the silence as such however it does sometimes look really bad when a mod is lurking in wc not showing their face. As I have said it makes the mod team look secretive and less approachable. I know some pretty great mods are out there so I know this isn't the case but that's how it looks from time to time.

    I know that's how you meant niche :) I am saying what good is it if you have really good knowledge of the game for example when you never put that into practice by helping answer questions that arise in wc? The majority of niches in this game that would be useful for a moderator generally require some sort of communication to maximize the overall performance of said niche.

    I understand that being inactive is far different from being antisocial but as you correctly point out mods are given 5k speakers for a reason. Even if a mod makes an effort to post something once or twice a day it's far better than purely sitting there with no interaction with the community. As was stated several times on this thread mods who are actively being social are known far more than the ones that aren't. There are mods out there that simply do not make the effort. I have seen certain mods post in wc maybe once or twice, ignoring those in the opposite wc.
  13. @delphin

    Being paid zero can be interpreted as not being paid enough. Don't get all testy on me cause your brain is as bad as your build.

  14. Is something wrong with my build? Perhaps the game has moved a different direction these past few years?
  15. Thank you for bringing this thread up, Kezzer! Here's my feedback:

    I fully agree that
    moderators should be selected as based on kaw_community's starting post on Page 5, that it comes on the kind of person they are!

    For the
    moderators being inactive, I may suggest that their mod powers will be removed if they are TOTALLY inactive for 6 months from their last activity. Although activity doesn't seem to matter much, but I think it would be necessary to implement that system because for a moderator that isn't active at all, players wouldn't even know well who that moderator is or how he/she handles the situations. Not even a word of the mod's profile.

    To put it simple:

    Player117: Who is that moderator? He's been in the mod list for over 6 months but he is never active on the game :shock:

    In regards to the forum post part, it doesn't matter for me. But it's more of how they handle it!

    It takes time, but if it is clear we may finally see some mods being removed due to being inactive for over 6 months since their last activity! I think that is a good solution, for us to finally see the future-present moderators to date! What do you think, players? :D

    I agree with you when it comes to the moderator part, but I also disagree when it comes to the Valiant Knights!

    Moderators are a volunteer position! Valiant Knight is a treasured lifetime achievement! That is why I believe the present Valiant Knights should remain there and always be there! :D

    Apologies in advance too Moody, if my words are bashing, I try to be polite with my feedback!
  16. I'm not sure if any mentioned so sorry if it has.

    I think there just need to be a ready accessible list of mods players can access. So they can at least wall them.

    I only know a couple of mods names to contact if I need a moderater.

    That way it doesn't matter if you can't see them in wc or forum. You can still contact them.
  17. Let's be serious, support barley pays attention or replies too legit support issues nevermind feedback about mods.
  18. Barley pays attention... Quote of the year xD
  19. Invalid. The absence of evidence isnt the evidence of absence. If a mod makes an error we get spanked by support in game.
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