We've warred a few of the top clans (in our size bracket, that is). We rolled over WOTO 4x. We were beating S.O.T.R.A (by a very small margin for the entire war and they took the win with an xtal on inactives in the last 5mins. S.O.T.R.A Folkvangr were just as good as S.O.T.R.A, but they lost it at the end. We've faced PoC twice, they steamrolled us once, and the second time they beat us by (I think..?) 120mil. Rising Hawks, awesome. Best clan we've faced to date. They also beat We're Screwed, I believe? My vote for top Prestige, worms or Rising Hawks. These other clans have had weeks and weeks to refine their strategies and rosters, we've just about cleared out all the crap, we're coming for you
Lol spy, we won't be #1/2 ๎ ๎ Perkutut army, rising hawks, SOTRA main, and screwed will no doubt come above us. -VAL
I think top 10 will be: Empire Rising. Pillars of Chaos. Warlor Hellhounds -RCA- S.O.T.R.A WarLoR SILVER Regulators Rising Hawks MurDer War. Many other clans that are doing extremely well so far but that's my bet(not in any order)
There are some real good EE war clans. It's a shame we will never get to war half of them. Because they either to big or to small. We warred rising hawks other day different strat to what we are used too but we changed ours to meet there's. was close all the way too the end and at the end we finally took the lead. We would like to war SOTRA but unless they grow will never happen. And wars don't make growing easy. This is is the same with PILLARS. OF CAOS. we like to meet new clans to war. ER we like warring with them but is very rare when we do.
Will be a good war. Sad to say we didnt have enough to get a match so looks like I will be watching your guys