Rancor Wars: TIme to Place Your Bets

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. And Pure. You need to dig a little deeper to get the real scoop on We're Screwed and Rising Hawks. Close but no cigar. Lol
  2. 
  3. Pure it was members like you that caused most of us to split we did not want all the new random members that had no clue how to war and only wanted to join because we were dominating our bracket. Happy is a great leader and you are trying to make him out to be an asshole. Rh was a group of us that felt comfortable warring with each other no random "friends of admins" or people who cannot pull their own weight
  4. Not to many war leaders better than Happy Cop out there. I learned a ton from him. 
  5. Looking forward to a match up with you all.
    ☢ ₮₳₭₳ ☢
  6. Perkutut army i warred them once they destroyed us single handily as soon as u where not koed u where again.
  7. There will be lots of ups and downs of the prestige board. This is only week 1. Once we are in the middle of the season it will be good to see who is at the top.
  8. We got screwed by 'we're screwed', the thing about them is that they are very hard to track because most of their members have the name 'IIII-ws-IIII' with variations to make it almost impossible to note down.
  9. Ive warred with Happy once,one hell of a war leader.
  10. iNath, copy paste, tracking never been easier.

  11. With last war tonight for week 1. The prestige board looking good.
    There are some good estoc war clans.
  12. It's still kind of annoying to do C&P. Though, I get the feeling that us Worms will be at least in the top 5 by the end of Season 1.
  13. If you worms can get enough matches but honestly don't see top 5 there are more than 5 clans that win all their matches
  14. I think We're Screwed and Pillars of Chaos will finish at the top. They are both well organized and and hit hard from the start
  15. I would like to put 30b on Sotra by the end of the season. Any takers?
  16. ^
    Ill bet u
  17. We would be top without all our own no match ups but empire and poc both going strong
  18. I'm not saying sotra won't be at the top. But there are 3 levels of EE war clans lb mid and small. Chances of our clan warring sotra or RCA very slim.
    So for this reason it should be in those 3 categories when saying who will be at the top.
    That's just my opinion