Rancor Wars - Backstory

Discussion in 'Wars' started by [ATA]Miles, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. LOL! Best backhanded compliment evrrrr.
  2. ew alcohol that stuff tastes terrible... how people can like it is beyond me...
    but back on topic, good backstory. :D

  3. Then let the war between the taco lovers and the burrito lovers begin.

    FOR TACOS!!!
  4. Power to the burrito :eek:
  5. Nice pick creative :lol:
    Burritos ftw!!!
  6. If yer ever in Vancouver: GO TO BUDGIE'S! I eat here like, 5 times a week. BESTEST BURRITOS! http://www.budgiesburritos.com/
  7. Nice story. Mine's pretty good, how about yours?

    Also, nice recovery on the crash. Very quick 
  8. I don't want burritos -_-

    I've never going back to Canada anyway. Both times I've been there were nightmarish :cry:
  9. You really should check with me as a proofreader on these. I'd spice them up and correct the subject verb agreement and send them back.

    Excellent premise and story line though.
  10. Chipotle is the best burrito place here, could live in that place
  11. Big yumm yum in my tum tum :lol:
  12. Ooh, what happened? Where in Canadia were you?
  13. what are tacos/burritos like anyway?
    we only have 2 Taco bells in the UK and i've never tried either :L they both sound delish
    stahp making me hungwy :cry:
  14. Remember that flooding that happened in Toronto earlier this year? I was stuck there after my flight was cancelled - and the flooding knocked out our hotel's power :lol:

    Oh, and every airport in North America sucks.

    Just for future reference :D
  15. Hey does anyone at ata have account and play kaw?
  16. I visited Mexico for work a few times.

    Don't tell me Canada can beat them on Mexican food or cheap entertainment or dance clubs.

    I likes me some Canada, but they do good at what they do not at what Mexico does.

    Also, chalupa is the only way to be.
  17. Kaw_creative: ur so underpriced :lol:
  18. Ohhh I think I saw you there! This is you, right?