Rancor Season 1 - Top Clans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Talbert, May 29, 2013.

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  1. No votes for bg? we beat whh most wars we did with them.
  2. •zaft
  3. The clans without barcodes and/or a half roster with GH's
  4. We all know the top clans , but i have to put a shout out for mercs legion. yes im a member we started late but wared strong .
  5. I'd like to start by saying well done to everyone who took part in EE war season, I felt everyone conducted themselves brillantly, except the clan that all changed their names during the middle of a war. The only disappointment was finishing on lvl 49 coz the devs gave us a no match final war.

    1) Rising Hawks - well deserved joint leaders as you beat some amazing clans. It's a shame we never faced each other as I think both of us wanted to at some point
    2) PA - fantastic clan, we had some great wars throughout the EE season
    3) GHC - Like PA i always feared matching you as it meant it was gonna be very close and I'd have to use 2 xtals 
    4) Warlor - don't know much about your strategy or anything but you held your own against the big clans
    5) Legionnaires asylum - had a good war against them, they haven't been mentioned I don't think but they were near the top of the LB the whole time
  6. Id say i agree with Silver but i must say im most impressed by FK, well done fk with rising hawks once again as before u proved your skills and value in System/EE wars i take a bow to u.
  7. Shheeesh V-Hawks gets no love
  8. Ummm Zeph. Did you really say warlor "held their own against the big clans"

    Their BFA alone was almost bigger than any of the lower tier clans mentionedthey were consistently bigger and stronger than most they facedas such they were a BIG CLAN!!
    And they didnt hold their own, they have a winning record against every clan they faced except zaft corp. which means they owned it all
  9. @hit_front ... By big I meant anyone bigger than those we faced i.e LB clans
  10. The clans that I would mention are the 5 that whenever we got a match up with them there was a collective groan through CC
    1. Perkutut Army
    2. Dragons sanctuary
    3. Crackdown
    4. Pillars of Chaos
    5. Sotra

    And thanks Zeph for the little shout out for my clan Legionaries Asylum 
  11. Always wanted to face LA. Had many buddies there. We were always a bit small tho:( think they did a nice job for a late starting clan...same w NaF and Zaft
  12. I warred La a few times, solid strategy and those barcodes were making me see double vision lmao
  13. The only clan I warred against this season that made me wanna bang my head against a brick wall was Rising Hawks........ So frustrating!!!

    1. Rising Hawks
    2. Warlor
    3. Zaft Corp
    4. Empire Rising
    5. PA
    Big respect to my clan also La Resistance, clean sweep in the final week was awesome!!!
  14. My top 5 clan we have warred against

    1 Walrlor(so tough to beat, very balance build cross the board)
    2 Warlor Warhounds( as good as worlor, only clan we never beat)
    3 The Hit squad(so big we can barely hit)
    4 Murder War(you guys are so fast)
    5 Kreuzritter(so much fun to war you guys)

    My top 5 over all

    warlor hellhounds
    warlor warhounds
    Zaft Corporation
  15. Of course I'm biased given that it's my home clan, but I must say that S.O.T.R.A has earned its #1 ranking this season. :)
  16. A top clan to me is more then the W/L or rancor lvls earned or the prestige of that clan.

    A top clan, to me is one who's spirit, perseverance, resilience and character was tested and they stood together, learned, grew and are much stronger now then before.

    HIT. Here's a clan that came out of a major OSW, without the benefit of all of the practice, evolved strategy and structure that a lot of the EE war clans had going into the tourney. But these guys are tough, they got handed alot of loses, won some tough wars, but never gave up. They didn't try and GH it up to hide lower, nor did they Merc up to a great deal. Lost wars, never gave up, learned, grew, adapted and I'd be watching this clan next season, they will only get better. Id rate these guys at the top for sheer determination and good ppl, who really lean on each other and win/lose as a clan.

    Zaft- Same as above, major OSW, but came out swinging after. There was a major learning curve at the start of the season, and these guys had to tough out a bunch of hard loses. But it was obvious, they learned quickly, now they're built beter then 95% of clans warring EE, and have developed and executed in a dominant way after that. I'm even more impressed at the long term zaft plan, watching them build and roster other zaft clans, Carnage, UL etc and how they are supporting each other in their family. Watch, next season, I bet there will be several Zaft clans with winning war records.

    Silver- I like that these guys are fighters. Same roster, basically, since the start, same guys, win, lose, they haven't tried hiding out lower rank or giving up. Shows a lot about their character.

    Kreu- Another clan, limited war experience, literally had to start from the ground up, but now these guys are also one of the best built EE war clans. They had some tough matches and some tough stretches, but they never gave up, every part of their war planning and execution has steadily increased week to week.
  17. I'd have to say top 5 clans based on strategy and not based on # of wins and easy matches.

    #1) Empire Rising - tho we had some issues with allies being bought during war, I have to Hand it to you, you did great.
    #2) WarLor clans - You guys were very well strategized and you dominated.
    #3) Murder War. - You guys were tough!!
    #4) RCA clans - I warred with you guys at the beginning of the season, and your strategy was great!
    #5) Naked and Famous KINGS - Yes, I am a member of NAF Kings, but I must say, we had GREAT trackers loggers and leaders, and we had a good strategy, yes we had tough matches and lost a few, but we won the majority of our wars and we worked as a team! I'm so proud to have warred with all of you guys! And a ton of us got to 50

    You guys may not agree with me, but I am basing these top 5 clans based on Strategy and not easy matches and # of wins. These are also based on only the clans I have warred against. If I didn't war against you, I can't say you have a good strategy because I do not know.
  18. Having beaten the majority of these where is Battlegrounds? They fought with honour and integrity the whole of the season! I realise that sounds a little like self admiration because I am one, but we did not succumb to buying allies after match up or other tactics that were used by some! Mostly to little advantage over Battlegrounds' Lead tactics and Tracker's excellent timing. But good luck to all!
  19. Have to vote Warlor they dominated all season even in the face of an OSW and to have 2 clans in top 5 wow
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